Random pull over?!





Was that to show to show that he does or doesn’t make more??

dont ever allow a cop to search your vehicle. They have no right without your permission, a warrant, or probable cause


dont ever allow a cop to search your vehicle. They have no right without your permission, a warrant, or probable cause


this is one of those catch 22’s of life…

say you have nothing to hide in your trunk, but deny the cop… well u just pissed him off, so now he is going to write tickets for everything else that is “wrong” with your car…

do you want to end up like this lady?

so lets just get rid of cops in general all these people complaining about tickets, my god


this is one of those catch 22’s of life…

say you have nothing to hide in your trunk, but deny the cop… well u just pissed him off, so now he is going to write tickets for everything else that is “wrong” with your car…

do you want to end up like this lady?


area you serious right now?

what does saying “you do not have my permission to search my vehicle” have to do with a video of some crazy bitch that BIT a guy and refused to open the door or get out of the car (in addition to whatever else she did)

Cops PREY and take advantage of regular people IGNORANCE of the law/their rights every day.

I would never allow some dickfuck Amherst/ Cheektowaga cop to search my vehicle… especially since he pulled me over for fucking NOTHING and now needs a bs reason to save face for the bogus traffic stop


area you serious right now?

what does saying “you do not have my permission to search my vehicle” have to do with a video of some crazy bitch that BIT a guy and refused to open the door or get out of the car (in addition to whatever else she did)

Cops PREY and take advantage of regular people IGNORANCE of the law/their rights every day.

I would never allow some dickfuck Amherst/ Cheektowaga cop to search my vehicle… especially since he pulled me over for fucking NOTHING and now needs a bs reason to save face for the bogus traffic stop


yea, im serious… i understand what u mean about not wanting them to search your car…

but lets take a step back… you were pulled over for SOMETHING…

your car is not stock, which means there are PLENTY of differant tickets you can get… is your exhaust bone stock ? no? ok well there is your first ticket, what about tints? do you have ANY? chances are your over 70%… i can go on…

your always pulled over for a REASON… all be it you were going 5mph over the speedlimit you have exhaust or waht?

so lets say u get pulled over by amherst cop…

if you are polite and courteous and talk without a tone of WTF did you pull me over for, chances are you are not getting a ticket, or are only getting one…

so lets take route 2…

he pulls you over for your exhaust… but just wants to see who is driving the car etc (pot head?) whatever

he asks to search your car, you say no? he is mad now… guess what your probably just guaranteed yourself a ticket for SOMETHING…

it sucks, but thats how stuff works

i bet i can walk up to almost every nyspeed car and find AT LEAST 4-5 traffic violations/tickets to write people up for, or hey, there is always the YOU were speeding or ran red light etc… you have no defense for it… they know it…

and the youtube video was a joke…

the lady getting out of her car was being a bitch just because she wanted to… and she got tazed… if she hadnt have been a bitch… she wouldnt have gotten tazed…


do you want to end up like this lady?



yah my car has no tints at all, just a some exhaust work and no front plate, which is why I showed him my trunk, hoping he wouldn’t give me any tickets. Then he asked me for a blow job, tazed me and left :frowning: