Just got pulled over

Got a ticket for unregistered motor vehicle. I’m goin to DMV right after class. The officer said it’s not just a fixit ticket but it’s up to the judge. Anyone got one of these before/ knows what the fine is if the judge decides to not be nice?

Why was it unregistered?

because I didn’t realize the registration was up in Jan. I though I got a new registration when I bought the car and put it on the road 6 months ago. I guess it just transferred the registration from my old car to it.

ahh shitty, i dont think it carries any points but there’s something gay about it, I got one, I remember that much. :rofl

idk how the hell he knew. he didn’t write me a ticket for anything else and he didn’t have the cameras for platehunter mounted on the roof. Have they switched to an incar setup now I’m wondering

they can still run plates manually…

he probably had another reason to pull you over but cut you a break with the reg ticket.

yea, glad I got pulled over by one of the nice cops. lolz

I just didn’t think he’d have enough time to run the plates as I was approaching him and pull everything up. That seems like a lot of work to do as cars are passing you

although its not a fixit ticket, bring the proof that you went to the dmv to reg it and just explain your story and you should be fine. bonus points if you go to the dmv the same day as getting pulled over

yea I’m skipping out of class early to go. this is a PITA because my dad’s name is on the title, so I have to get him to sign all the shit and figure out what the hell DMV forums I need to use so I can go in and do it myself

If your a man im sure youve mastered having one hand on the computer franticly searchign thru things while um errr the other one is busy…

wit that said you can see why its not impossible for a cop to run your plates while he is driving, or sitting under a roadsign with a woman on it jerking off with the radar gun

lol shady ^


I can haz em in ems?

It literally takes like 5 seconds to pull up someones info with an incar laptop.

Its not too big of a deal, i had the same thing happen to me in troy and they droped it no problem. I went to the DMV that day and re-registered it and showed them a copy when i went into the traffic court.
Those 6 month registrations that dealerships put on cars to keep cost down really fuck ya.

just went to DMV. the lady just handed me the sheet with the new reg sticker on it, but it doesn’t have a date stamped on it. I’m hoping they can pull it up so they knew i did it the same day