Steelers VS. Colts and Super Bowl

go to hell…ur prob some bandwagon pens fan who thinks they are a bunch of gods right now.

dude i have a pgh address 15227 anything 152xx is pgh address. i definately dont live in pittsburgh i live in whitehall which is about 7 miles south of pgh.

i am suburbia pgh def not pgh. also it depends on the time of the parade.

if it was sat night at 8 o’clock you really think that many people would have been there at the pgh one? i dont think so wasnt it at lunch time so the companies down there would let their employees go to the parade?

  1. never really did like the Steelers
    not to mention probally half of this city jumped on t he steelers bandwagon when rothlesberger came around…
  2. Always been a penguins fan- i don’t think they are a bunch of gods
  3. Always been a Pirates fan

Pirates blow donkey cock

hate to break it to you, bud…but you act like it was just that easy to take lunch break, check out the parade then go back to work…no. i took off work (as most ppl did since it was tues morn/afternoon) and it was an all-day affair. i had to get on a ‘T’ at 730am, it was packed and took forever and then fought crowd all day til it was over, then took forever to get home. i got home at like 430pm. that parade was no joke and ppl here didnt give a fuck. it was during work in the middle of the week and noone went to wok cause Steelers>life around here. wouldnt it be easier to go to at 8pm when most ppl are off of work?

yup, but i like them

not when everyone has to go home get dinner ready for the family take the kids to b-ball practice or games. im not saying people didnt commute in just for the parade… but its alot easier to be there for work at 11oclcock and then the boss’s allowed their workers to go down there for 3-4 hours. which is exactly what happened.

the boss’s allowed the emp. to take an extremely long lunch/break to go to it. and if you kids have activities and want to eat why would you travel 30 minutes home cook dinner then travel atleast an hour back there to watch the parade and pay parking twice. def alot easier to have it while everyone is already there.


i left work around 9 … stopped back in around 11:30, when to lunch around 12 and came back around 2… then went back out until like 3:30 for the rally and to buy shit… at 5-6pm people were still milling aorund and selling shit… definitely an all-day affair.

  1. the idiot that thinks the steeler fans are bandwagon is bullshit… the pens are bandwagon, since hockey didn’t exist a few years back… so hockey itself is bandwagon :hsugh:

  2. i have a pittsburgh address and live ‘in the city’… and by that i mean 5 miles north of the city.

75% of people in my school never gave a shit until they started winning.

<—not an idiot

wow thats gross:tool:

you are such a fag

oh your funny

Which explains a lot why Pittsburgh is such a booming place.

BTW, wasn’t it in the 30’s last year for the parade and other festivities last year in Pittsburgh?

It was single digit temps with a wind chill of -17 or so for the festivities in Indy.

i know, that suburbs have pittsburgh address, soo does fox chapel.

and yes i said, why have it at nite? thats just dumb, it was prob. much colder out than what it would have been during the day!!!

Indy had their “party” in the dome…so the pics may not tell the whole story. But all in all I am sure they had no where near what we had…i am 100% sure no other team in the NFL would even come close.

ya i didnt even know who the steelers were b4 big ben :rolleyes:

One thing I will say about steeler’s fans…there are A LOT of them who like them b/c it is the cool thing to like. B/c it is cool to wear steeler gear. But overall we have the most solid fan base in the league.

it was cold our day for sure, but not as cold as Indys. who cares, like that would matter here. it couldve been any temp and ppl wouldve went. also, indys celebration started off in their dome where it was only 3/4 of the way filled. was it too cold in the dome to go too? :greddy2: anyways, we were gonna originally have our festivities at Heinz but then they figured that it wasnt big enough and guess what, 250,000 ppl showed up, so they were right it was way too many than Heinz can hold. the whole point of the post is to show how Steeler fans > all and its true.

i was unaware your school was the entire population and that what you see there holds true everywhere else. must be my idiotic narrow-minded thinking… :kekegay:

i agree…if it was -17 out, the turn out probably wouldn’t have been much different. Shit…even during the regular season games in the winter, it can be 20 below and the parking lot is FULL of tailgaters. Plus being crammed in with 250k people probably wouldn’t have made it feel that cold.