Steelers vs. Jaguars

I am guessing they figured if he said he flet fine they wanted him to play an actual game to get him ready for a divisional game coming up next week. Then I didnt think he was all that bad to be pulled and have Batch start…I think with batch in there the outcome still may have been the same considering there were some dropped balls that were very catchable.

im not saying they should have put Batch in because Ben wasnt doing well, I am saying to preserve his health later in the game…

In all honesty, Ben got his appendix taken out like 3 days before I did. It still hurts me pretty badly just to even stretch out the whole way or pick up something heavy. He really should have restet that game. A full recovery takes about 6 weeks from that type of operation.

Ya but Ben is a man…j/k…but seriously I am willing to bet he is being pumped with so much HGH it isnt funny. Also did you have the same type of surgery as he did…with the 3 small incisions and not one large one?

Yup, same surgery. They cut open your belly button, stick the camera in through there. Then cut 2 small incisions on the opposite side of your appendix and pull it out laterally. Did you see that hit he took in the 4th quarter? Someone buried their shoulderpads right into where his cuts should be. That had to have shook him up.

ya, it kinda looked like he was winching after that hit too. i mean, i’m glad he played, and i wanted him in there…i think it was for the better. im sure he was feelin some pain tho.

Ya they sort of zoomed in on his face after that hit it looked like he was in some pain…I just want to know what they were giving him for pain and to speed his recovery. From what i hear HGH is common to speed recovery.