Steeltown Shakedown Sept. 12, 2009

Everyone checkout our clubs site for show info… Our show is a bit exclusive as far as cars in the main show area, but everyone is welcome. We’re just into and keep our shows “traditional”. So, if you’re into kool cars, rockabilly and surf music, come on out spend the day then stick around for a way-kool old car movie. What’s the worst that can happen? You park your tuner a little closer to the tree line? That’s OK your younger & in better shape for that long walk.:slight_smile: Come on out.

You park your tuner a little closer to the tree line? That’s OK your younger & in better shape for that long walk


I definitely want to go to this.

is there a place to park a trailor, its a long way home late at night with 6 volt lights

if you want to you can park at my shop i am about 5 mins from there

We gonna roll out together?

sweet, if i need to that would be rad

sure, i will be in the 46 driving or riding shot gun if the father in law does not want to bring out the 32, if no 32 no trailor needed either