stereo problem

Here’ s the situation:

Over the last few weeks my head unit has been acting up (blaupunkt 555). Every so often whe I get in the car and put my faceplate on the HU I get no power to the stereo, everything is dead. The only way to get it back up is to teks the unit out, unplug it and plug it back in (basically reset it), then it works fine, except that yesterday after reseting it I can no longer play CDs, it doesn’t recognise that there’s a disc inserted. I’ve also noticed that sometimes as I press buttons of the face it will blink (power off, then back on) and everything gets reset.

My guess is that there is something messed up in the face plate, causing a power interuption or short.

Any advice/ suggestions before I take the unit back to the store?


Wiring is messed somewhere, take it back to the store and get it replaced!

Could be a bent pin that connects the faceplate to the head-unit… could be a bad ground somewhere… could be a faulty part inside. I would tend to lean away from the last option, because it just started recently and has not done it the whole time you have owned it (I’m assuming). Check all the pins visually to see if any of them are obviously broken or bent… also check the faceplate side of the connection too. How old it the head-unit?

the HU was purchased on Jan 31/2004. It’s only 7 months old. The pins are all okay, nothing bent. I don’t see how it could be agrounding issue if it doesn’t recognise cd’s when everything else works, doens’t that mean it has to be an internal problem?


Who installed the deck?

I think it’s a faulty deck dude.

Bring it back.

^ Think he’s right… doesn’t sound like a normal problem that could be attributed to the install or use or anything… hope you got the extended warrenty…