Steve Jobs Tribute

Well aware of the differences, I’m just saying that the core concept is pretty similar. My focus was more on the quote about Bill Gates, who we called unimaginative, yet very few of their ideas are that original. They just jump off of existing products, I’m not denying that fact that they make superior products because it’s pretty obvious they do for the average consumer. However, most of these “groundbreaking” ideas are simply them branching off of existing products, improving them, and marketing the hell out of them.

^that’s how innovation works…take something, make it better, market it.


How far back do you want him to go? Invent a new kind of electricity before calling an electronic device new?

in·no·va·tion /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃən/ Show Spelled[in-uh-vey-shuhn] Show IPA

  1. something new or different introduced

That’s my point, Jobs invented very few innovative things. The only way I could see him being innovative is in making products that are friendly for the non tech savvy (read: stupid). I’m not denying the quality of Apple products, they’re definitely better than the equivalent of what you’d get in a PC with similar specs. Are they that much better to be worth double the price? Not a chance in hell. Was Steve Jobs someone who introduced products that were new and different from those already existing on the market? Depends on your definition I suppose, but I dont think he deserves the credit many people place on him. He’s a great marketer and CEO, but as far as actual technology innovation goes he’s incredibly mediocre.

Dear god you are dumb. Let me put this into terms you can understand since your signature is: MECP Basic Autotech CEA205906

Using your logic, every car company hasn’t done anything since the real car was invented in the 1800s and hell, a modern day F1 car has a steering wheel, power, and 4 wheels so there has been no innovation since the original car. Fuck those assholes.

The computer still has a monitor, keyboard, and mouse like it did when it first was invented. Guess nothing innovative about the modern ones either.

My cell phone still makes calls that the zach morris phone did back in the day. Guess that hasn’t been innovative either.

Just becuase it still is a tablet doesn’t mean there is some innovation. There are continually new ideas and products that use net technologies to expand devices well beyond what you can comprehend. The things that go into any technology may be innovative in their specific elements for example, the new Apple designed processor in the new iPhone that most people have no idea why its so awesome but to the outside, its just a taller iPhone. These little things are like someone talking about how awesome fuel injection was in cars when it came out and people saying, ITS NOT INNOVATIVE! GAS STILL GOES INTO THE ENGINE! or saying tires are the same across the board and there has been no innovation since the thin bicycle like tiers on the initial cars.

Go use your sweet non innovative computer to update your Facebook status (which is also not innovative since there was Friendster and Myspace well before it) and shut the fuck up.

What determines worth? The market.

These are old numbers from wikipedia, but they prove my point.

Over 300 million ipods have been sold.
Over 84 million iphones have sold.
Over 100 million ipads have sold.
Over 4 million Apple II’s have sold.

So you have been proven wrong over 488 million times.

That entire analogy has nothing to do with what I said. Sure, apple computers are way better than the ones built back in the 70’s. So is every other computer on the market. What’s your point? If you’re going to try to use my logic, at least understand it first. Don’t get all pissy because you can’t handle someone who doesn’t think Steve Jobs is infallible and go off an a fanboy rampage that has nothing to do with what I said.

Before you go off on a tangent on this whole car thing based on my sig, MECP is a certification for car audio installation. As far as engine work goes my experience is pretty limited, but that’s not really the point.

Which I’m still trying to figure out, your post is so wrapped up in irrelevant analogy I’m having trouble figuring out what the fuck you’re trying to say. Are you implying that when Apple’s engineers designed a processor that went from 2.80 GHZ to 3.2 GHZ this is Steve Jobs being an innovative genius? Because I just don’t see it.

This is just getting ridiculous. So are you sarcastically calling macs non innovative and implying I have one? Or seriously claiming that PC’s are non innovative and for some reason bringing in facebook (which I don’t have) as if it proves your point? I really don’t get where you’re going here.

---------- Post added at 11:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 AM ----------

Yes and no, you’ve definitely made a much better point than Boxxa but it depends on how you define worth.

For me as I already know how to use computers just fine, the ease of use of a mac is not worth the cost.

For someone who isn’t as familiar, it could vary but I’d be willing to bet the amount of time required as an investment to learn how to use a PC as well as they could use a Mac would easily be worth the amount of money saved. That’s the thing, worth or value is subjective. Depends on who you’re talking to.

I guess the main point I’m getting at here, is that this is my OPINION. I get that you guys think different, but this is just the way I see it. I don’t think Macs are worth the price. Steve Jobs was a good manager and marketer, and sure he did do SOME things that were innovative. But I don’t think he deserves the deity status that apple fanboys have elevated him to.

My rant was based on your definition that for something to be innovative, it has to be new. I am not talking about Apple, I am talking about anything. Certain things come out, other people build new ideas off of it to make it better. That is still innovation just because its not something the world has never seen before. The same thing is applied to any technology. Something may be built with a bunch of parts to solve a problem. A company can focus on one specific part and innovate that without completely changing the large device as a whole.

Your Jobs is not innovative argument could be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Taking a product that was pretty hard to use and putting it into hands of consumers is how a lot of tech products work. There is countless items that were very expensive and complex that innovators have evolved to fit the general consumer. You don’t need to like Apple products but saying he did nothing and what he did was not innovation shows your lack of understanding of technology as a whole.

Not innovative at all.

All I’m getting out of this is that we interpret the definition differently. I’d say the innovators are the people who designed the new processors capable of putting out twice the power at half the size, not the guy who took their work and had his engineers format it to work with apple products.

I’m guessing you don’t proofread your own posts then.

First of all if you even read my first post I said that if I were to consider Steve Jobs as being innovative, it would only be in designing things that are easily usable by the non tech savvy. I never said he did nothing, again take a step back, stop being upset because someone insulted your deity and actually READ what I said. Sure, he made it easier for people that weren’t good with computers to use them. But those people were becoming few and far between. Everyone was being brought up with computers, soon enough everyone would know how to use them regardless of what Steve Jobs did. And besides the fact I SAID that it’s the only thing that could be considered innovative, so your point is moot.

All he did was glue those little chippy thingies to a piece of wood and run some speaker wire. Simple.

Tech savy or not, what good is technological advance if people can’t use it? His obvious intuition for user interfaces and making things ‘simple’ was incredibly innovative. Ideas that are able to bridge the gap between technology and consumers are sometimes worth as much as the technology itself.

Well said Event. Boxxa loves to insult those who delve in inferior endeavors, ie everything non IT.