STi > GTO :(

60=first gear for me :smiley:

aye 30 is the end of first for me, right at 7K :slight_smile:

Dr Stevil…try doing a 30 pull in 2nd. from my experiences thus far, the car pulls really hard from there. pretty much anything around 3 grand and above is where the car pulls hard, it seems like. but mess around with it, and let me know what you come up with :tup:

Way to take care of biz in the sti…

Gearing > Power. Being in second for the GTO would’ve possibly made for an even race but it just shows how important good gearing is…

you need to fix your damn car. is what ya need to do! :lol:


x3 on the gearing, my GTO is an auto and I’m 2-1 against stock STI’s, the one loss being where he brakeboosted me good and i gained some of his advantage back but couldnt catch up by 110.