STi > PsychoPJ

the 7 cylinder muscle you speak of was to the left of the camera car… which was also pulling on pat :slight_smile:

pretty damned close if you ask me

great vid, I’m stoked. I have a big mouth z06 driver here in Hamilton says he can beat me from a dig, a 30mph roll, then a 60mph roll anywhere anytime.

I’m sure I can win the first 2. The 60mph roll, not so much.

I’m disapointed though Mike…no exhaust flames??? WTF

:tup: love the sound of that sti!

Whats done to the ZO6? Sounds like we would be a great race too bad I am still stuck in Seattle :frowning: Have fun with the scooby.

Its an 06 z06 thats stock supposedly, he’s spanked a few stock and slightly modded wrx’s in town pretty bad so he thinks he’s it.

I envy you guys down there for the ability to race and not fear a $10,000 fine and a 7 day impoundment of your car that usually ends up having some parts missing when you get it back.

well your car killed me literally. :tup: that thing moves out something fierce. it’s so unsuspecting and then it just goes.

Sorry about the motor, I know how it feels and its not fun.

I wondered why I had an oily film on the left side of my car when I washed it today.:confused:

That could be from the patches they put down on our street this week too…

lol… i don’t think that pat was ever in front of you enough to have sprayed you! :lol:



I think I saw this suby cruising down the 400 last summer. Looked awesome and smelled even better.

truth.jpg it wasn’t a race so much as a homicide scene.

I think you guys are all thinking of another car because he doesn’t street race and he’s from Canada.

He did go to the track tonight though. I’m posting some vids in the motorsports vids section now.

Ya Mike I was thinking he meant the 400 up here in Canada but I did go to Holland NY last summer a couple of times when I bought My bike from Williams Ducati in Holland.

So yes it could have been me

but yes, street race + truck driver for a living = bad

seen a hot sliver sti with a front mount and carbon fiber flares on the hood yesterday. hot car :tup:

The guy I saw had a chicky with him, wasn’t racing, just cruising down the 400 towards Holland. Was late afternoon, I was on my way home from work around 5ish…Nice car :tup:

nice nice nice its fast as shit