Stimulus Payment Schedule - check yours

aren’t you collecting social security? Can’t be making enough taxable income for this!

just checked getting mine deposited on the 9th.

June for me :gay2:

just checked now says on the 9th! Nice.

Tup to the Feds and giving a Canadian the Tax Stimulus Package!


He is talking the original REFUND. Not the STIMULUS check.

my bad I could have used some better punctuation

hmm May 9th and not in the account

got mine this morning

I got 600, I’m cool with that.

got mine this morning also

mines in
thanks gov. for my $600

adam, hows your free money?


fag. i worked hard for that free money, now gimme! :burnin:

lol, i know you did, Jim tells me your the hardest worker there.


i was gonna use the moneyz to pay off a CC…

that didnt work out too well…


lol me either!!!

stupid pc shit.

1800 ftw

Then you remembered you had kids and a wife. :meh: