The exhaust is almost done, but the Small Battery Kit made it to the catalog first!
Factory Battery Weight: 29.70 pounds
STM Battery Kit (PC680): 15.55 pounds
We will also offer the Race Kit with the Lithium Pros C680 (4.2 pound battery). If our math is correct, the entire battery kit will weigh 5.25 pounds!! With an overall savings of 24.45 pounds! This kit will also cost $675 vs the $295 with the Odyssey, but when you are breaking records, 10 pounds makes a difference.
We have the Lithium Batteries on order and will get a photo of the full kit on the scale for the record.
- Odyssey PC680 Small Battery or the Lithium Pros 4 pound battery
- Stainless Hardware
- Lose 14.15 pounds (Odyssey PC680)
- Lose 24.45 pounds (Lithium Pros C680)
- Made in the USA!
But, no one cares about text, let’s let the photos do the rest of the work: