Stock People: Visa IPO came out today! Record breaking 1st day!

From $44 up $16 during the trading, and a lot of initial $44 people sold at the very end to bring it down to $56.5 at closing

International market, no debt in the company… incredible investment opportunity? Even I had to pick some up, figured I’d tell you guys about it as well.

Trading under Ticket: V

Check it out, might be a great investment. MasterCard went IPO last June, 06. It is up 400%+ from the initial $35 when it came out.

If you can get it at under $60, it looks like you may be in a solid investment.

I was watching this… but with buying a house I don’t want to play with my cash right now.

I only put in what I could afford, and I wish I wasn’t a smart investor. I’d have loved to have thrown everything at it today and sat and watched for 2 months.

Reading this, with the investment of the banks that are having problems, I’m now even more positive in wanting to put more money into it tomorrow…

Investing in V is not any different than AXP or any similar company. This is not new and novel. :shrug: The IPO was huge and making great money for the institutions that were available to take advantage, however this doesn’t really set itself apart from others long term. Most people that want this type of stock already have it in their portfolio. Not to mention that the IPO will actually drive investment in competitors as well. This isn’t GOOG :shrug:

Flash in the pan IMO.

what record did it break?

Largest first day gain by a new IPO.

Seriously tho…who wouldn’t have jumped all over this if they have access with the amount of debt in America?

Was that sarcastic or are you serious?

The company is international, has no outstanding debt and isn’t directly influenced by the U.S. economy like a smaller company.

Visa is successful and has shown growth every quarter for years, even during the last two recessions in the U.S.

I was just putting it up in case any investors didnt hear about it.


Oh geez… look at that… it is up 12% right now…

Sorry guys, I tried to get you in on it :frowning: Hope some of you joined in…

I have been watching it and was about to come in here and tell you what a bastard you are. I have money in MS and didnt want any other financial related stock right now. But damn its lookin good. I wonder where it will find its peak.

Um, Visa makes their money on Fees, not debt.

With the three day weekend, I sold at the top at $63.5. It’ll dip down at the end of the day, and hopefully next week I’ll pick it up at $60 (if my assumptions are correct, of course)

Then, I’ll just hold it for a week or two and see what happens.

Fucking daytraders, fucking up the market one trade at a time.

HAHAHA i complain about this all the time but i too am guilty of going in and out hahahaha ahh the old in and out. I think i was in and out of BSC three times this week the MS twice lol. Sorry DADDIE don’t hate me. Kisses.

I didn’t want to be a day trader on this one, but we all know that with a three day weekend and the market fluctuating so insanely, the timing just isn’t right to hold onto it over the weekend.

I’ll rebuy on monday, and go long. With the closing being a buying frenzy instead of a selling craze, I will dig deeper into my pockets monday morning. And then I will just hold it and watch. I see nothing but good things right now (unless the credit companies flop as well…)

Man did i stick it to myself on the decision to get rid of MS at $47 today. I was doing homework so i set it to automatically sell and when i checked on it it was over $48 haha and it closed just shy of $50. Oh well my greed bit me on tuesday so did’t want to let it strike again.

OHHHHHH YAEHHHHHHHH, KA CHINGGGGGGGG $$$$$. Even worse are those tape reading scalpers. V should be fine pick for a day, swing or long term holding.