Stole vehicle from dealership!!!!!

Wow, sounds like a real shitfuck of a week. Glad you got the truck back and the jackass got caught. Hopefully you can stop the registration so you don’t get screwed into having to sell it used.

Sorry if I strayed from playing devil’s advocate to just being a dick. :shrug:

We should have a BYOA Meet! (bring your own airhose)
unless you fired the salesman already…

Ok, I’ll give you 28K for the used truck. :slight_smile:

Glad everything worked out for you.

The sales man should be talked to, not fired.
EDIT: Now that I read he smashes trucks, don’t fire him, just make him wash the trucks for minimum wage.

I feel torq acted in a descent manor, and when I can afford a new car I’d go talk to him about it.

I like turtles

is this what happens dave? :lol:

BYOA meeting monday morning at 9am!!! all welcome…


Hopefully you can stop the registration so you don’t get screwed into having to sell it used.



as far as the truck, it will be sold as brand new because we never processed the registration, anyone want a deal on a $36,000 silverado??


