Stole vehicle from dealership!!!!!

so it turns out the kid just got out of jail for passing bad checks and had a warrant out for his arrest. the cops told me that if he came into the store to try and buy the truck again to call them and they would arrest him. THE DUMB SHIT CAME BACK!! he is now in jail. the best part is that they told me to stall him so i was sitting in my office with him trying to make up some bullshit so he would stay around. the cops frisked him and arrested him right in front of my desk!!! i tried so hard to get a phone pic while they did it but i thought they would be pretty assinine.

just so everyone is clear we do business this way, just like everyone else, and have been doing it since we opened in 1967. you cannot operate like a prison otherwise we would never sell any cars. 99.99999% of our customers are good, honest, upstanding people and we have only had a problem like this 1 other time that I have ever heard about. this is a 1 in a 1,000,000 thing and i thought it would make for interesting discussion and i needed to vent because i was pissed off.

for those who think we did something wrong or incorrect, you have obviously never bought a car at a reputable dealership. we trust our customer’s and they trust us, thats why we sell about 1000 cars a month and have done so for 3 generations.

thanks for the support guys, i appreciate it

someone please explain to me how i’m making a bad name for myself when i am telling you guys a bad thing that happened at work today?? is every other business on the planet perfect and has never made a mistake??

It sucks that this happend.But what kind of owner hops on a car forum full of street racer’s and tells his company’s business???So you need to vent???I am sure you can find someone to privatly talk to.I’ve never seen Culligan or Scott Bieler on a public forum threating to kill someone because they can’t control thier salesman or what they do.Business is business and personal is personal.I understand that.But I am told company problems should stay withen the company.Not out for everyone to see.

Meh, whatever. I found it interesting and don’t hold it against him or the business. It was something to read at the very least…

i shouldn’t have asked. it doesn’t matter because its done with. i’m going to watch a movie


I bet someone accidentally shuffled the check back into the paperwork you gave to him and is trying to cover their ass by blaming him.


Now don’t you feel like a fucking retard. Think before you open your mouth. The guy was trying to steel the truck. Maybe you know the guy?


Man, good thing your dealership acts in a proffesionally manner …


Care to justify your stupidity? What kind of a retard are you? You have no fucking clue what professional means. Go back to your cave and Your M3 is a piece of shit. Attention whore.


It sucks that this happend.But what kind of owner hops on a car forum full of street racer’s and tells his company’s business???So you need to vent???I am sure you can find someone to privatly talk to.I’ve never seen Culligan or Scott Bieler on a public forum threating to kill someone because they can’t control thier salesman or what they do.Business is business and personal is personal.I understand that.But I am told company problems should stay withen the company.Not out for everyone to see.


just so you know he isn’t really on here so much as an owner of a business, more so as an enthusiast with his car. :tup:


salesman didnt follow policy



Always fire the salesman on the first fuck up! Always! They may just fuck up again in a way that puts the place of business under.

I agree with him coming on here. It is at his discretion if it is made public or not. He never released any personal information, and his biggest threat was “I will find you”. Maybe he was just going to buy the guy a beer for being such a retarded con man.

I have never layed out my companies issues on this board because we have customers all over the place, and one of the Mr. Fry is right here on the board! Maybe he has customers from the board, but honestly i would buy a car from him, and since i will need a new car some months from now, he will probably be the first person that i talk to since obviously they are a very trusting dealership. I am sure that they provide great customer service and this was just an isolated incident.


someone please explain to me how i’m making a bad name for myself when i am telling you guys a bad thing that happened at work today?? is every other business on the planet perfect and has never made a mistake??


Welcome to NYSpeed, where reading comprehension and putting things in proper context are butchered on a minute-by-minute basis. :mamoru:


Now don’t you feel like a fucking retard. Think before you open your mouth. The guy was trying to steel the truck. Maybe you know the guy?


No. I do. Yep. Nope. :rx3:


No. I do. Yep. Nope. :rx3:


I like how Fry had an opnion which was not really cleared by the Original Poster, and people ask him if he feels like an idiot and tells him to shut his mouth…He just states a general asumption of maybe it was an honest mistake. I love internet forums and people who are blind to society.(not you fry)

Regardless of my opinions and playing devil’s advocate, glad you caught the guy.

What happens to the truck? It’s been registered now right? Can you get that erased from the title or do you have to sell it as used now? That would knock a few thousand in value out of the truck if it’s technically used wouldn’t it?


I like how Fry had an opnion which was not really cleared by the Original Poster, and people ask him if he feels like an idiot and tells him to shut his mouth…He just states a general asumption of maybe it was an honest mistake. I love internet forums and people who are blind to society.(not you fry)


lol eh I can be pretty selective when I “want” to form an opinion on something. In all honesty this was probably one of those times. :shrug:


someone please explain to me how i’m making a bad name for myself when i am telling you guys a bad thing that happened at work today?? is every other business on the planet perfect and has never made a mistake??


don’t even stress it. This place is idealistic hypocrite central.


don’t even stress it. This place is idealistic hypocrite central.


you forgot to add moron central


Regardless of my opinions and playing devil’s advocate, glad you caught the guy.

What happens to the truck? It’s been registered now right? Can you get that erased from the title or do you have to sell it as used now? That would knock a few thousand in value out of the truck if it’s technically used wouldn’t it?


if you want context, here you go… while this was happening the SAME salesman smashed a brand new envoy into another brand new silverado… thats how my day was going

anyway, i’m over it. this is probably the most interesting thread we’ve had on here in a while and it was fun to get different sides.

how often do you get to see the dealer’s side of things??

as far as the truck, it will be sold as brand new because we never processed the registration, anyone want a deal on a $36,000 silverado??

LOL @ some of you trying to tell Basil how to sell cars.

hey can you visit this punk in jail and laugh at him, then punch his lights out. i could use some more humor.

I don’t feel like reading but has anyone asked the question why would a young kid want a big ugly pick up truck? That should have tipped you off right away…



Always fire the salesman on the first fuck up! Always! They may just fuck up again in a way that puts the place of business under.


I dunno if i would fire him, depends on the person. i know i’ve messed up before, but never to this magnitude.