Stole vehicle from dealership!!!!!

Wow, talk about a shady person. Still waiting for a name haha.


I’m looking to buy a new Z06. Do you accept IOU notes written in crayon :slight_smile: And can I steal my neighbors car and use it towards a trade?


see post above

When I bought my SVT back in the day I wrote the dealership a check for $10,000.

Shitty that happened, but I would say both parties are to blame. Why would he have access to the salesman’s paperwork? When I was in sales, a personal check went straight into the safe, locked cabinet, or at least stayed in my front pocket until the complete sale was final.

:tdown: to making a public announcement about a screwed up business transaction.

Instead of telling online racers go hit a punching bag…


So if he doesnt come through with the $ will you sell it as a new or used truck?


new just test drove overnight!

lol…and registered

Typing in caps… sweet

WOW. shitty deal. i’d be going NUTS!! happy you got it back

for those of you saying “unprofessional”, :roll2: Dave and the Basil family are some of THE most stand up and professional guys i know. so piss off :2fingers:


Typing in caps… sweet


so are chin straps

I can’t believe nobody else said it, but seriously why did this guy risk stealing the check back when he could have just wrote a bad check in the first place. Either way it’s stealing but a lot less elaborate LOL. Of course people who do this sort of thing aren’t the smartest…

So is the guy in jail yet?

So heres my question.

If he says “ooo I don’t want it now”. Is there going to be some type of action? Arrest? Fine? $$$? I mean thats pretty shitty if he didn’t come through with the cash afterall.

good story, but what kind of a person does this?

Steals the check back lol.


…Why would he have access to the salesman’s paperwork? When I was in sales, a personal check went straight into the safe, locked cabinet, or at least stayed in my front pocket until the complete sale was final.


Which is why he said they salesman is at fault. Understandable. If I were a business owner and someone ran off with $30 grand of anything, damn straight I’d spread the word. If this is the place to vent, go for it. Kept me busy this afternoon. There’s NO good reason the guy should have taken then check and the vehicle, so there’s no saving morale here, kid already made a bad name for himself.

The cake is a lie


Which is why he said they salesman is at fault. Understandable. If I were a business owner and someone ran off with $30 grand of anything, damn straight I’d spread the word. If this is the place to vent, go for it. Kept me busy this afternoon. There’s NO good reason the guy should have taken then check and the vehicle, so there’s no saving morale here, kid already made a bad name for himself.


Understandable but it COULD taint the image of the dealership. If the buyer straight up stole then yes I think its ok to vent here, but since the salesman is partly at fault I wouldn’t spread the word on a public forum.

Just my two cents.


Understandable but it COULD taint the image of the dealership. If the buyer straight up stole then yes I think its ok to vent here, but since the salesman is partly at fault I wouldn’t spread the word on a public forum.

Just my two cents.




I bet someone accidentally shuffled the check back into the paperwork you gave to him and is trying to cover their ass by blaming him. If that happened to me I wouldn’t come running back to the dealership either. Especially if I lived all the fucking way out in Wellsville.

There are 2 sides to every story, and someone trying to steal a $36k truck after giving up all their personal info just doesn’t make sense.

Take a deep breath and evaluate how good of an idea it is to discuss a potentially sticky legal situation involving over $35,000 dollars on a public forum. :slight_smile:


no fucking shit


no fucking shit


no fucking shit

dude - you are not very smart.

I see it both ways, but TORQ didn’t do the wrong doing, was out of his control, and is obviously not patting the salesperson on the back saying “shit happens”. I wouldn’t think this situation would fall under the labeling of a tainted image, rather than a business who’s trusted their customer’s integrity for years without a problem and finally had someone try to take advantage of it. I can even cope with the salesperson, though not following protocol, not taking the responsibility because he/she suspects good people coming through the doors. Or the salesperson slipped up all together, in which case effects only him and his job, not other customers.

I can’t believe it hasn’t been said yet, but $36k for one of those man-ass ugly new Silverados? I’d steal it before paying that much for one too!

i was really hoping u stole a truck like every else lol

o yea… kill him