Stories like this make me smile


why feel bad, you don’t even know if she was hot.

:tup: to off-duty mofos saving lives n shit.

T fucking UP :tup: thats awsome. Hells yeah for the Marines.

I read that story earlier today. What would you do if someone pointed a shotgun at you? This dude defended his life and whooped ass. Good for him!
Here’s the page I read the article at, I think it’s a little more descriptive than yahoo news.

Her mother, Alesher Zeigler, says, “She was trying to fit in… and this new boyfriend she was with he just totally changed her, totally changed her.”

Fuckin’ A, if you know your kid is dating a piece of trash then be a good parent and do everything you can to prevent them from dating someone like that. That might have avoided her daughter from getting killed. I don’t know, I’m not a parent, it’s just my opinion.

I’m right there with ya… sigh

I’d rather walk though. Sneak up on ya

i love how the parents of kids like this are always like “he/she was a good kid, her/his friends forced him/her into doing this”

Word, where are the fucking parents taking the heat?

If you brought them up well then they wouldn’t be a big piece of shit now would they.


Didnt use the shotty very well.

Jumping & Pumping FTW.

I play too much CS.

Yeah they are always good kids until… Parents just don’t pay enough attention to know their kids are screw ups which is probably the reason they are screw ups in the first place.

If you guys remember that story last month about the 14-15 year old kids who were going around terrorizing people in New York City I believe. They were finally stopped after an NYU student was running from them and was killed by a car when he ran into traffic. The parents were talking about how the kids were all good and had just gotten a good grade on a paper they wrote and had perfect attendance. They must be good then.