wow, a second good story from the news

very cool :tup:

:tup: to cool marines.

They’re few and far between.

That is a great story. +1 for good people.

That is a pretty awesome story :tup:


Nice to read something good.

:tup: to that guy.

that was touching for sure.

I hate how de-sensitized people are these days. How do you NOT stop when you see someone on the ground bleeding in the middle of NF BLVD.

because people have it instilled in their head that if they help someone they will be sued incase they injure them more.

Last accident I saw, i was right behind the guy, it wasn’t bad, but I parked my car right behind the accident, made sure everyone was okay, called 911 and directed traffic until emt’s showed.

It’s so rare that you hear a good story in the news. :tup: to this guy!

jeremy is one of my friends, word!

:tup: to him… you don’t see shit like that much these days


What a stupid cunt…

“recalled that the driver of the car he collided with stepped from her vehicle and demanded to know how fast he had been driving his motorcycle.”

I demand a cock down her throat.

Haven’t you notice how rarely we see MD plates? RPA plates? even RN plates?

What we become is a sue this and sue that Nation. The Good Samaritan Law protects those who have no medial training what so ever. But those who are medically trained or certified risk getting sued for any malpractice. Just because they are in the medical field.