Storm Racing Drone

Upgrading to something faster

1 x STORMRacing Drone (RTF / Type-B) (Storm-Racing-Drone-Type-B-RTF)
FPV Monitor Add Lilliput 329W 7" FPV Monitor
FPV Monitor Mount 1 X Storm FPV Monitor Mount
2 batteries and a charger

Has some scrapes nothing major and comes with 15-20 spare props

Kit is something like $750-800 shipped new

That didn’t take long.

Im building another one this size my friend started a company and I ordered another one with GPS

Extra battery = evil option. Is this registered? :stuck_out_tongue:
Hrmmm…I may be interested. Fly it on over and show me what it can do.

Lol wow impulsive buy?


I’m spending twice as much on other ones :lol:

It doesn’t bother me I will keep a spare and fly it when im not messing with the others figured someone might want to get into one cheaper then normal.

You just don’t want to register it right? lol