Storm !!!

Woke up at 6:30, come 7 the power goes out. Hook up the generator (and next door’s old folks) to the furness to warm the house as the kids are off today. Things are going ok leave the house at 8am to be at a court hearing in Machais at 10am (left early for weather) take back roads to EA to get on 16. I get just about to EA and office calls saying my hearing is cancelled, cause the judge is a pussy and doesnt want to drive the 15 miles from his house to machais. You know damn well he knew he wasnt gonna go at 7:30am, you’d think they could call before i left the house. I turn around go home power is back on so unhook the generator (and neighbors) and hang around the house and got paid. Not a bad day

Ugh just lost power here at work for 2 hours…started to get cold in here so they were 30 mins from sending everyone home and then bam stupid power came back on

Ha i dont know the numbers hahaha yea probably but the white out is the 400

Ok, last post on this topic.

Yes, almost all production cars generate lift. What they don’t do is generate the 1000’s of pounds of lift required to get them off the ground at 70mph, even with an 80mph wing gust. That’s 150mph generating 3000lbs of lift. Even if it was just the front of the car, that’s still 1000’s of pounds of lift to get it off the ground. Airplane engineers dream about getting this kind of lift to speed ratios and they’re putting wings DESIGNED TO LIFT on their planes.

A great example, a Mooney Ovation3 (a nice medium size private PLANE) has a max gross weight of about 3300 lbs. It needs almost 100mph to take off. But somehow your car, without wings, can fly with just 50 mph more speed.

Ok someone get a conveyor belt and lets get to the bottom of this…

My power is still out, a huge ass tree almost crushed my house, and my basement started to flood. Fuck yah for a generator.

Edit: I’ll throw up some pictures when I get power back.

i think this is where you are getting confused. i never said the car took flight. if it did i wouldnt be here talking to you right now. all i said was that it lifted the front of the car…to the point of wheel spin.

now to go to your example, a 3300 lb plane with approx 30,000 sq feet surface area under the wing needs 100 mph to take off. now why is it so hard to believe that 150 mph cannot generate enough force to lift the front of my car (not fly) that has approx 13,000 sq feet of surface area…roughly 1/3 the area of the planes wing.

im not trying to be a dick about this but i just stated what i experienced on my way to work and you called me out saying i was a liar…which i am not. so i will take this as far as you want to take it.

dex maybe put ur car on a treadmill ???

on topic

January 30, 2008) - - The New York State Thruway is closed in both directions from Depew to Henrietta due to treacherous driving conditions.

yeah, cuz of a 20 car pileup on the 90

Yeah, they just announced that here at work. We’re all wondering if anyone will invite “annoying guy who never shuts the fuck up” to stay with them since he lives in Rochester. Sure won’t be me.

F that…there are other way to Roch! Rt 33 ftw!

yeah sucks to be him :wink:

Work finally made the call at 11:30 that we weren’t going to open. This is after they called at 8:15 to tell us there is no power at the store and to wait for a call to tell us it is on and to come in. Kids can wait til tomorrow to get their Office 2007 :gtfo:

I wouldn’t have shown up anyways, since I planned on seeing Rambo on my day off.
Oh yea, getting paid for the day too :slight_smile:

:tup: Rambo

Sitting here at the office. Our network and DNS just got back up, phone systems still down and so many problems on the network.

I almost want them just to send me home, but I don’t have power back home so I’ll be bored to death.

How is your network and DNS having issues? because of a windstorm?

Please lock this thread. Where is lock/ban happy Fry?

Not exactly sure what happened with the DNS, the network I was referring to was the Buffalo network as a whole. So much shit is down due to power outages/knocked down lines/etc.

ugh just lost pwer again for another 15mins…stupid cheap company needs to get a backup of some sort
