Straight out of "final destination"


Stuff like that scares the crap out of me.


holy shit :eek4:

Thats gotta suck

Officials are now examining the truck; but at this point in their investigation, police say they believe it was a freak accident and they do not anticipate any charges.

um what the fuck would they even possibly charge him with.

involuntary manslaughter??

"See what happend is the deceased driver cut the other vehicle off, so the driver sped past him got off the exit and came the opposite direction. He then proceded to detonate charges that were holing the pins in on the driveshaft.

This is a clear cut case of road rage"

I dont think he involuntarely did it either.

lol driveshaft had it out for him…

damn i hope mine dont try to kill me for replacing it


"Police say Zeglin most likely never saw it coming. "

how couldn’t he? it went through the windshield into his head?

:dunno: :dunno: :dunno: What do you think his last thoughts were??? And was he paying attention? Maybe he was doing something like I see 784579845749 ppl on the road doing everything in their cars EXCEPT paying attention to the road everyday. Shaving, eating, reading, crosswords, talking on the phone, text messaging etc etc etc etc

exactly! I want to write for these peeps…sailor we should go get new jobs!!!

I bet it didnt hurt :eek:

thats a hell of a way to go. Do do de doo…driving along doo doo de dooo… BAM giant driveshaft to the cranium.

shit…so thats where my drive shaft went …huh :dunno:

I want to know how the hell the driveshaft came loose… I mean, for it to not only come loose, but also jump the jersey barrier? Damn! :eek2:

u-joints lock up,snap ,bounce, jump

yeah I just heard somthing about they were looking to see if his load was secured properly or not :dunno: