Streaming HD-DVD .ts files to xbox 360

Yes it now can be done, no more buying HDDVD’s

Get media center extender for the 360
Download favorite HDDVD movie
Merge files using NullpacketStripper
Stream to xbox360


If anyone needs real directions, let me know, its simple

These files are between 8-20 gig so you best have a very fast connection to grab them.

Nothing ripped, nothing lost as far as compression or anything like that. Just takes up alot of hdd space, which is nothing these days.

I’d like some directions on how to do this…

logs on to spoffee looking for deals on harddrives

Is this trans coding them or can the xbox 360 now handle hd-dvd files and play them itself?

Im not transcoding anything, im downloading files already done.

How long does it take you to download a 20gb movie?

And how much bandwidth do you have on your news account?

Almost seems worth it to just sign up for netflix/blockbuster online and rip them yourself. I’m assuming there has to be a way to rip them if you’re downloading them.

Or in my case, since I already have a blockbuster online account, makes me think I need to look into doing just what I said. :slight_smile:

In any case though, I’m not going to put much money into it since it’s becoming very clear that HD-DVD is going the way of Betamax.

do u have an hd-dvd reader in ur pc?


At 1250k about 3-4 hours or so, my news account is unlimited.

You can get them to rip urself but its a lengthy process

Plus i didnt feel like taking apart my xbox360 hddvd to make useable on my pc.

3-4 hours isn’t bad. You get some screaming speed off that news server. I was thinking more like 3-4 days.

Too bad it won’t work with Blu-ray.

im uncapped so this is the fastest my cable can go.

it would work for blu-ray if shitty sony would get theyre shit in gear and let u stream from the ps3

I strongly suggest if you want to download stuff fast, signup for newsgroups.

I use and get anywhere from 1-2.5 Mbps. Even my shitty DSL line in rochester gets capped on that. They even have 3 days of unlimited use for $3. Its basically the best deal around.

If you are going to signup, PM me so I can give you a referal code :slight_smile:

Coming this week you will be able to stream even more files, xbox spring update starting monday.

h264 files will be included.

No word on Full HD-DVD files as of yet, it can be done, but it took me forever to figure out how to get everything converted to wmv from the HDDVD files, you need like 5 programs to do this and for me its just not worth it at this time, as the .ts and h264 files are no quality loss from the original hddvd files.

Easiest thing to do i just download .ts or h264 files for now.