Streaming Top Gear

Top Gear Season 13 is up.

watched it yesterday.

they’re back! :thumb

I’m pretty upset about the Stig being revealed.

The real stig or Schumacher?

Yeah schumacher isnt the real stig. Its some touring driver.

Revealing the real Stig is one of the worst decisions they can make. With that said I’m not sure what they tried to so the past episode, if it was some sort of joke then it wasn’t a big success.

Plus if they reveal the UK one what happens to Stigs from other continents?

The episode left more questions than answers, then again that could have been the idea all along.

:facepalm Schumacher was a special guest. Just a cool way to introduce him.

A publicity stunt that didn’t exactly land the pun well.

But it got people talking, a search for ‘Stig revealed’ showed that well.

Not too smooth however.

just saw the second episode on hessmo. I thought it was one of the best episods ever. Great challenge and they drag a veyron vs mclaren f1

Anyone saw Stig photocopying his head in that episode? :lol:lol:lol

Awesome, I’m glad my girlfriend pointed it out for me.

I can’t wait for the rest of the stuff they filmed in the UAE

404 Not Found…:’(


Due to a request from the BBC, the website will be taken down. I had been told in the past through unofficial channels that as long as I didn’t offer direct downloads, they would leave me alone, but that is apparently no longer the case.
It has been a wild ride, and you never know, if I find a less cooperative host in the future, I may start the site back up, but in the meantime, if I find another site like this, I will post up a link here, so keep checking back.
In the meantime, you can still get all of your Top Gear episodes fairly easily using a combination of and a free account at
Not as convenient as just going to the site and watching the video, but at least it doesn’t involve uploading for hours, and your ISP is none the wiser
To the BBC:
This site was on track for 7.5 million hits this month. You have a HUGE number of dedicated fans all over the world that are trying desperatedly to get at some Top Gear. I get tons of emails on a daily basis asking where to buy Top Gear on DVD, so even if you don’t offer a free solution like the iPlayer or offering episodes on Hulu, your fans will jump at the opportunity to get Top Gear in an official maner.

If you want to send the BBC an email about their decision to close this site, here is where you should do it.

NOOOOOOO NO MORE HESSMO!!! shit, where can I find it now? I was lookin forward to tomorrow’s new episode :frowning:

Me to.

I made myself some popcorn and was going to do a marathon session a couple nights ago only to see that it was taken down.

It sucks. Probably my most favorite show ever. None of the other shows compare to Top Gear (the knockoffs from other countries).


damn it …anyone know another site that streams TG for free

+1 a ~5 minute search yielded me nothing :‘(:’(:cry:

Just go to and download the torrents.
its a hassle but its worth the 30 minute wait for better quality episodes.

i couldnt figure that shit out, i’m awful with compooters and never use torrents. you’ll have to teach me sometime :lol

give me a ringaling if you’re doing scramizar’s brakes.