Street racer arrested after web post



haha. who hasn’t gone over 150.

also, it says that he was only questioned, not arrested.

bah dammit, was aobut to put a pic of my speedo at 150+ but my home computer is offline atm boo hoo

lol what a tard.

im failing to see how anyone was owned?


Questioned not arrested. Photos didnt show what road he was on, or that he was driving. They questioned him, nothing else. Not arrested.



i can take a pic of my speedo pegged on any road. I just got to fuck with the computer so it thinks my gearing is different and im doing 180 when im only doing 30 :lol:


Questioned not arrested. Photos didnt show what road he was on, or that he was driving. They questioned him, nothing else. Not arrested.




Looks like you let off before 150… look at the boost gauge… I hit 150 in my 1.8t jetta…granted this was going down a slight incline.
I took a pic a few seconds after I let off…so it was at 145ish…and my boost gauge was in the vaccume…well needless to say, I got shit for it.

Nothing better at 150mph then noticing you are clicking 150k on your 944T and having the where with all to take a pic.

I’m pretty sure that wasn’t a coincidence.

nothing will happen. they have no evidence of where it took place.

plus on can say they took a picture of the car’s speedo on jack stands in the driveway then took a picture on the road to make it seems similar


Looks like you let off before 150… look at the boost gauge… I hit 150 in my 1.8t jetta…granted this was going down a slight incline.
I took a pic a few seconds after I let off…so it was at 145ish…and my boost gauge was in the vaccume…well needless to say, I got shit for it.


My stock boost gauge isnt hooked up, Tec3R engine management. I went well past 150.