Street Z06 with Sequential Trans!


i love it!!

cant beat this sound though lol

or this, some people hate it, i love it


fuck off ADAM

i was just posting more sequential/straightcut/dogbox shit

two more

definitely badass as fuck

(yes, i know the two i just posted are not sequential, i’m tired/bored and felt like posting them anyway)

This thread has been comprimised! :ahh

it sucked to begin with i dunno what your problem is.

and get a smaller picture of your rustang and a bigger picture of the boobiez in your signature please

dogbox = straight cut. ever notice how your REVERSE in your car whines?? thats because its straight cut.

Sequential is not a dogbox. dogbox still requires use of a clutch to shift.

adam, cool video, its nice when you can just pull and not worry about missing a gear. i also like the bicycle brake level used to release the reverse lockout on the transmission.

couldn’t you have a gearbox with dog engagement but helical gears? that stuff has always confused me a bit

Yeah he needs one of these to be truly baller: