Stripper Tax?

So watching the news today at lunch and I see the “Stripper Tax”.

This got me wondering what else is coming.

“Bicycle” tax.

“Mileage Tax”.

Here are some other off beat current taxes.

I am still trying to figure out why they are raising taxes on people with money.

Pretty much people who are successful, supportive and active members of society have to pay more taxes to support those who are lazy and unproductive members of society.


LOL. No wonder companies are cutting back production, it’s to keep from having to support the moochers!

I think the Illegal drug tax is funny as shit.

“In Tennessee, when you acquire an illegal drug (even “moonshine”), you have 48 hours to report to the Department of Revenue and pay your tax, in exchange for which you’ll receive stamps to affix to your illegal substance. The stamps serve as evidence you paid the tax on the illegal product.”

lmfao wow.

Which reminds me, people who want marijuana legalized are fucking morons. Why would you want a tax on something thats already cheap now and readily available?

cause they wont get arrested when caught with it… duh

So don’t get caught. It’s not hard. :lol

Those taxes on soda and stuff were all dropped. The stimulus package that the government is giving NYS is covering that. It was on the news last night.

I missed that report. I did hear of talks on another stimulus package.

LOL the bicycle tax. They cant tax the pieces seperately, so just sell the bikes without the wheels. Then for your promo deal, say free wheel sets included. Remember with most dumb ass ideas, there are always dumb ways to get around them.

It is fucking stupid, people try to spend less on high MPG cars to save money, save gas, which keeps the gas prices from climbing, less polution. Same for people riding bikes… they dont use any! So lets tax the respectfull people. good idea.

Has anyone seen charts with the actual number figure that these tax increases actually pull in each year? What I am getting at, is I bet they dont get much more income from these wild taxes. How come gov. cant be frugile with their spendings? Make wise investments? Think long and hard about where the money goes? You know much like EVERY normal citizen does prior to making purchases! Ohh yeah, becasue makeing a bullshit tax is quick easy money, and doesnt require any thinking. My mistake.

Fucking blind motherfucker shoulda stuck to doing coke. what an asshole. :clap:retardclap

Right but when you do, they’re either cool and give you a ticket, or they’re cocksuckers and give you a field sobriety check and potentially a dwi/dwai.


"Assemblyman Felix Ortiz, a Bronx Democrat, says the revenue would go to helping victims of human trafficking. "

Yeah, I bet it would :rolleyes:

It goes to pay his drug tax.

Speaking of moonshine does anybody know where to get some?

Mobil sells E85 now, pretty much the same stuff right? :tongue:retardclap

Ive never tasted it. The 15% gas part might screw up the taste.

Moonshine is awesome. I had a mason jar full at the house from Kentucky when i went, but I drank it all already… if someone knows where to get more local I’m down to buy.

I tried some that somebody got from down south and I could tell just a little will have me pretty fucked up.

I definately want to get some.

Patterson is just pissed off because he cant see the strippers.

Patterson is an absolute tard