stupid gm... and mexico

Where are the Lambda crossovers going to be produced? Hopefully in the US. They really look neat, and so much better for the average American than the GMT360s are.

Where is the Ford Edge going to be produced? Again–they’re beating Toyota and Honda to the market with fresh products in these segments. The Edge’s archilles heal is that it doesn’t offer a 3rd row seat. With the sloping rear hatch I don’t think it would be possible to stuff one in there. Having two rows of seats didn’t stop people from purchasing the Explorer in the 90s, but from a competitive standpoint it is a horrible move. The competitors during the 90s didn’t offer a 3rd row seat, either. I wonder how well the new Grand Cherokee is selling because it doesn’t offer a third row seat…

The Hyundai Sante Fe even offers a 3rd row seat. I don’t know about Ford… I think they are missing the boat. I have more faith in GM. But regardless, I think it’s ironic that the union workers want more money, but cheaper cars (GM discount/cheaper overall MSRP). Lets also be realistic in considering the cost of health care rising at extremely high rates. Do GM workers pay into their healthcare at all? Their pensions at all?

all you guys are talking about is the retired GM employees, well retired ppl dont make the world go round

what about all the people that dont have jobs? whats GM doing for them?

and trauma, your talking all “ifs” if gM did this or that, so why dont they if they want to help the economy? they dont cause they could give a shit as long as the obvlivious americans think they are buying an american product

and goober i have no clue what kinda vehicle your talking about, the 3rd row seat thing is just beyond me i guess /shrug

if your talking santa fe, the toyota rav-4 is about the same size and has a 3rd row seat??? as well as the highlander which is slightly bigger(2-4") and has had the 3rd row since 01-02 i believe

The “IF” I was talking about was the problem of healthcare, retiree benefits, etc. Something that the UAW forced down the big 3’s throat when they still could sell a car. That “IF” won’t go away anytime soon. And as GM lost $10.6 Billion last year, I don’t think it’s in any kind of position to save jobs as you’d suggest (heck, it’s still paying people to NOT work - AKA “jobs bank”). GM (and now Ford) will still have to save themselves before even thinking of “saving the economy” - and if you can think of a way to do that within the current cost structure under the UAW, please let me know.

And yes, retirees matter. They still buy things, and contribute to an economy. That is, unless you expect them to live off of Social Security alone. Oh, and this segment of the population is growing, not shrinking. So unless we tax all corporations in America to take over that cost (which will never happen), it will still remain an issue.

Buy hey, on the other hand, if you’re happy buying a Toyota product, thinking you’re helping America - go right ahead. Free choice is still an American right.

I do not own a toyota product, but i can tell you that i will never buy a GM/ford vehicle just because of the quality

GM lost money because of their own screwup, they banked all their marketing on big SUV’s and trucks, couldn’t sell them so they had to put huge rebates, now people wont buy them unless they get a good chunk off the sticker.

they should just get rid of all the lazy union workers, pay them flat rate for the work they ACTUALLY do and be done with it, problem solved

tell them get out or work, your choice

Be sure to tell the UAW that, too. Because that’s the exact thing that’s happening at Delphi - and if they can’t work that out, then expect GM to die from a strike.

And yes, GM did what many in America decided to do - mine the SUV thing for as long as possible, because that was where the money was. GM has never been known for small cars, and if you’re playing with a $1400 handicap per car, then I’d rather make larger, more profitable cars too.

Oh, and do notice - Toyota just introduced a new full-size truck, so even they think this is a worthwhile area to sell in.

one word. “CONTRACTS”

then if they break that… one more word… “STRIKE”

then if they do that…one more word “BANKRUPCY”

see the problem here? the simple mentality of, “work or get out” is past reasoning at this point. Now it’s just dealing with the 50+ Years of ass fisting GM has been doing to themselves by allowing unions to build strength.

I would rather support the lazy UAW slobs than a bunch of dog eating Koreans. Though I must agree that the contracts the UAW has with the autoworkers are just amazing.

Well, that was the problem all along. The big 3 had stood up to the UAW in the past (when they collectively owned 70% of the market) and got hammered for it with large strikes. And it didn’t take much of a strike to cripple the carmakers - what with a strike at one plant affecting many other sites. So, over the years, the bug 3 took the easy way out, allowing concessions which seemed cheap at the time (mostly healthcare). Unfortunately, healthcare costs increased many times more than other costs incurred by the automakers.

well with what GM is doing right now they will end up bankrupt eventually, why not now? it will only save them money in the long run…work or get out lol

and yes toyota has been working on the full size truck for a few years now, only for the fact that they want to put the american automakers right out of the market

they are also develpoing desil and turbo desil trucks too

watch out GM

im surprised it took so long for someone to mention unions in here

lafengas said it all

unions fucking suck

and one more point about unions, and this happens in construction and shit all the time. the bastards are required to be off the job and collect unemployment for a certain amount of time per year, and while they are collecting unemployment, they are off doing side jobs for cash. getting paid for unemployment as well as for outside work,

arrggghhhh that shit pisses me off

we should all write to a public official. with enough letters we can do something.