Stupid question on gas prices

gasoline is a monopoly. Exxon made 11 billion dollars in profit in 3 months. so, after they paid there workers, expenses, and all that bullshit, they walked away with 11 billion dollars pure profit. Unamerican or not, the government should make some deal with them and so they only make 1/2 that.


I dont know where you live, but where I live I have a coice of whom I buy my electric from. Yes it is still transmitted by Allegheny power, no choice there, but I do have a choice from where it is produced, and from whom.

What percent profit was that?

If I said that someone made $10 profit in 3 months, that would be okay, right? What if I said they sold one glass of lemonade for $10.25?

Again, I’m not saying the gas companies aren’t making too much, I’m just saying that I’m not seeing the whole story.

Good point with the %, but even if they do make too much, we should not outlaw high profits.

What we need is to drill in Alaska, but that’s beside the point. What cost do NFL players have to make their salary? We should limit that profit.
-If you live closer to work and drive less, you should get paid less than people who live further away and use more gas.
-If you have more than 1 car you should pay a luxury tax, because, seriously, who needs more than 1 car per person?
-If you buy an Italian suit, you should pay luxury tax.
-If you sell your house for a profit, the price you sell should be fixed by the government so instead of profiting $11k you can only profit say…half that.

Where would the absurdity stop? I understand that gas is a commodity, but the problem isn’t the profits of the gas companies. If you want to crunch their balls it could drive us into a shortage.

Just because we were all born into the wrong family businesses doesn’t mean we should pass legislation to restrict those that were from earning profits.

I honestly hope you were not serious in that post


X mf 2…

basically we’re fucked. the dollars value goes down and that translates to a perceivable increase in oil cost. meanwhile we can’t do anything with opec without causing another world war, it’s not just the middle east, we get a lot of our oil from venezeula. something will happen soon, can’t say what but it will. no question about it we’re in (not heading into a) recession

I was saying that limiting profits is absurd. Do you guys think we should be limiting how much Americans can profit from their business transactions? Doing that is straight Marxist.

Also put a tax on males that are 18 years old or older that are less than 5 foot 5 inches.

Just retarded to put a cap on a companies earnings. did it illegally then find the guilt.

I think the US really should have cut off a lot of outside shit a long time ago. Our dollar is worth so little now and the country is suffering from it…why? because we like to have all the other countries do the work and we just import shit. It all came from being cheap asses and basing everything outside of the US to reduce labor payout. If America as a whole…or even as a majority…wanted change…shit wouldn’t be as it is now.

No, isn’t it the American dream to get filthy rich and die happy?

Your knowledge of economics is somewhat limited. The reason labor is cheaper outside of the U.S. is due to the high cost of doing business here. You had the cause and effect reversed.

The reason our dollar is now so weak is because our nation is in more debt than any other in the world, and they are now paying attention. Also, our treasury continues to increase the money supply, diluting the value of the money.

And why are we in debt? Owing other countries? Fighting a “war” that we can’t afford? Negligence?

We’re in debt because our Congress spends like drunken sailors. (Just as heinous, but a separate problem is that many in congress use their promises of future spending to buy votes.)

To come up with the money, they borrow from the Federal Reserve bank (a non-government entity owned by a group elite bankers from around the globe, the list of such owners is not published and is highly classified) and issue T-bills which are often purchased by foreigners.

The rabbit hole runs quite deep indeed.

I hear microsoft makes a lot of money as a company, lets cap how much they are allowed to make. I also hear the local mom and pop convienent store made more money this year than last year, lets put a cap on how much he/she can make. :rolleyes:

the government already tried el doucho

that anti trust bs

Keep in mind for every gallon of gas you buy 18.4 cents goes to federal taxes and every state has their own tax…and PA is one of the highest @ 31.1 cents per gallon…so 49.5 cents per gallon goes to taxes.

So if gas is @ 3.85 per gallon, take off 49.5 cents…you have 3.36 is what the cost of gas is before tax. So you get taxed roughly 15% for gas.

Fortunately it’s not a %, back in 99 or so, the last time gas was under $1/gal, that tax was half the price. Gas before taxes was literally 50 cents/gal, and I think that was premium, less than a decade ago.

Don’t cap them, but there should be no fucking issue with money now to start investing into other mining projects like Oil shale and such.

These fucker bitch that they don’t have the money for exploration and now I’m reading articles about I think Exxon mobile stating they have too much money and are buying back shares and limiting new exploration projects. :rolleyes:

Why would they change now that they are making tons of money?

I could care less how much gas goes up, as long as I can keep expensing my mileage for work. That still pays for the gas for my work car, gas for the crown vic, and the majority of maintenance that needs done of both cars.