stupid vette owner. anyone know who it is?


Don’t have to be a “crash scene specialist” to know that Vette was not going anywhere near 45. Just look at the distance traveled to that house AND taking out a pole! Damn!

Did they ever give u a name of who was driving the vette?

well ya but have u ever went off the road flyin through a field just for the hell of it? I have and I can say if its wet like it was that day going down hill like that will do nothing but pickup more speed.

IDGAF about the physics involved, most people can keep their car on the pavement and not smack into someones house. I want to know who it was lol

except for asian in black camaro just ask solow:rofl:

lol hmmmmmmmmm wonder who that can be, i hear solow and asian dan filed for divorce a couple months ago

peekaboo i see u

william seaman owns the vette. dunno if he was driving or in the car–just know he owns it. had a passenger as well. everyone was ok.

A Scottdale man was cited for speeding after he allegedly lost control of his sports car and hit a house on Monday.

State police in Greensburg said that William M Seaman Jr., 55, lost control of the Chevrolet Corvette because of speeding on Route 819, south of Zabkar Road in Mount Pleasant Township, Westmoreland County, at around 4:17 p.m.

Trooper George B. Goodrich indicated that Seaman was on Route 819, where his car traveled across the southbound lane, off the west berm of the road and struck a utility pole.

Goodrich indicated that Seaman’s car went another 285 feet through a yard and then hit a house.

Police did not identify the owner of the house, but the Herald-Standard’s news exchange partner, WPXI-TV in Pittsburgh, identified Jessica Strautmann as one of the residents in the home.

Strautmann told Channel 11 that she and the others in the house heard a shatter, and the house shook.

“We ran into the garage, because I seriously thought someone was breaking into my house,” Strautmann said. “We peek out the window, and all I see is this Corvette in my basement.”

Authorities indicated that both Seaman and the passenger in the vehicle, Emilio R. Navarro, 48, of Greensburg, sustained minor injuries and were treated at Excela-Frick Hospital in Mount Pleasant after the crash.

I would expect someone alot younger nto be doing something stupid like that.

mid life crisis?

its a good thing that the few “crash scene specialists” that we have here proved you wrong on the driver going 45 mph and losing it on a wet road…

Good job detective! Now go look for Carmen Sandiego.

thanks but I dont see his mph and Im not a fan of Carmen Sandiego. I was more of a fan of ur look alike fat albert. Hey Hey Hey its fat BlkP42E.

ok? speeding = over 45…

ok so he could have been 5 mph over whats ur point?

you said not speeding. so 1 over could have proved you wrong.

well i guess im not perfect like u.

guess not. it doesnt take rocket science that the car had to be flying to snap a telephone pole then go over a hill and pretty much through a house.

You both are :greddy2:

I thought 5mph was the error allowed

If this was where I think it was, that stretch of road is easy to do high speed. It is kinda in the middle of nowhere.

I know I have rolled thru there on my bike at 70+ mph.

It’s not hard to believe a guy in a ZO6 was going well over 45mph.