Stupid Women Drivers Randomly Failing!

Funny as hell. Wait till the end:rofl

Ha ha the parking one where the guy eventually just gets out and backs the car in for her is amazing!

ha ha you have to much time on your hands

haha, funny stuff.

:rofl…so true lol

Yep that dude that parked the car is classic. It would have been better if she blew him on the spot for a thank you

good video…100% true


Lmao. Driving into a pool ftw.

Stupid fuckin broads!

How do you flip a car going through a gate?!
It’s like she locked the steering all the way.
And these people are out there :ohnoes

the bery end was so amazingly talented and full of douchebaggery.

I want to shake the mans hand

nice post

Yeah that was a nice job. I was impressed!!

I can’t believe how long it took for that one lady to park…

How many different ways was she going to try parking that car?

good shit

yes we have all had that parking experence once. They try a million ways to park and still can’t do it. How do these people get licences?

dude, she was doing the wrong thing EVERY TIME LOL ! i mean comon… she was playin games, u cant possibly be that fucking stupid !

some women, have something WRONG IN THEIR BRAINS when it comes to understanding how to steer in reverse !!!

the gate thing… well she was fat and stupid british looking broad, thats what they do i guess, flip cars on gates !