Subway rider beat with a hammer

WOW, what the fuck just happened?

just seen that on the today show.
only stitches :eek:

baby mama drama. that was a chick correct?

didn’t let him sit down? :dunno:

nice of about 15 people to just walk by as he’s beating her. “oh, sorry, this is my stop. Happy bludgeoning”.


thats almost as bad as that dude who got hit by a car and laid in the middle of the street for like 30 mins before someone helped.

sickning…if your going to do something that stupid…at least leave the child at home.


Ive seen similar scenes on our local PAT system

which is the exact reason i pay crazy gas $ to ride my truck to work everyday then pay $75 a month to watch nothing but bs on the bus system.

now that’s just fucked up. i suppose he thought it was ok since he let his kid sit in a seat and not have to watch it.

funniest thing is that other black guy sittin there was even looking at him like he was up to some shady shit… but of course if he was white looking at him like that he’d be racist.


That doesn’t surprise me at all. I ride the trolley a good amount for work and it seems like half the people on there are twitching or talking to themselves or smell like they haven’t showered in a month.