Sucks to be in Potsdam

Woke up this morning to a surprise…look out the window and there was a couple inches of snow. :wtf I thought i was seeing something or a dream. NOPE

Snowed all day, but the snow from the morning melted and the shit wasn’t sticking.

After the sunset it started sticking again.

Went out to check on my bike earlier and snapped some dumpy phone photos…something like ~6" in some places and its still coming down hard. :facepalm :facepalm

We had some very light flurries in Cobleskill. Buncha bullSHIT.

Snowed all day in Ti…welcome to the ADK, motherfucker.

Haha yea…i know it nothing new, just really caught me by surprise…the day before i was out riding and sweating my balls off

At my camp in Lake Placid, we got 5 inches.

Burlington Vermont got 6"

Colonie New York got 0"


My mom was sending me pics of the snow on the ground where she is, she lives up Taborton Mountain. The got a few inches.

2 ft of snow at jay peak
guess im going skiing this weekend :excited

dammit, I thought “global warming” was supposed to be doing something

i went to potsdam once…i saw amish people

Yeah, I went to school in Canton. Seems to be freezing, windy and gloomy about 9 months out of the year up there.

Rofls I’ve had the AC on for 2 months.

so did Sparkles! it was on his facebook earlier

I saw that earliar! Thats what made me think of it!

I’m going tomorrow. Day off from class ftw:excited

40 bucks for the day including lunch all weekend at jay peak…god damn makes me want to take the drive there, i’ve never been but it’s so far away. lol.

I kind of want to just leave my summer wheels/tires on, but I know if I do I am going to get stuck somehow.


all i have is summer tires, i’m probably not going anyways. only time i would go is tomorrow so unless somone else is going i’m not, i don’t want to drive that far by myself.