Sully's 93' VR-4 Build

miteeee wana flat tow that shit

we dont need you puking on people

Na remove the driveshaft

i hate your dolly

:lol Niiice!!

Sully, im down for the road trip Sat. I need to get outta the area for awhile anyways lol

Word, Shits sollddddd neways…

I wish i could come for the road trip sat. Work owns me.

I’m game and I’m sure I can find a trailer

I ordered a Christmas tree:)

I swapped the output shafts on my trannys last night:

Then threw the first coat of paint on it:

I’m going over later today to work on it again :slight_smile:

that one on the tranny we picked up in CT was chewed up pretty good huh

It wasn’t bad, But the other one was brand new. I figure I should do it now so it doesn’t shear the teeth off on a good launch.

well better your chances of it holding up anyway :wink:

Yea, I need all the help I can get

i think i got the cure for my driveline issues finally

Wow, trans looks good man!

Looking beast. I want a god-damn christmas tree!

The interior looks sick all painted up. It’s really clean with the panels back in it. I’m so excited that I’m actually making progress.

Oh you did the interior today? Nice. Pics!!

You goin to Bourbon tonight?

No pics yet. I was in a rush to get out of there, the fumes were making me nuts. Yea I’ll be at bourbon, I need a ride though :slight_smile:

Haha you and your fumes! Always tryin to off yourself:lol

Ill pick ya up for a beer:tongue