Sully's 93' VR-4 Build

you got a deal

Word! Im gonna hop in the shower in a few then ill roll out and get ya.

Going to pick up my parts car right now!

Do work son!

And we are off

long day, and it’s a pile of shit, o well, lmao

good job!

I cant wait to cave the roof in

its a solid roof vr4?

I dont know nor do I care…its getting destroyed

yep, solid roof. Whatever, It has all the shit I need and tons that I’m gonna sell

too bad. thats a good weight savings over your skylight you have

Not a bad car for the price. The seller was a total fuckin tool though lol

Can’t wait to fuck this thing up

Your such a jackass lol. Dont make us post up the blackmail pics!!

From the wanna be paparazzi? Fuck him

do it fucker ya wont:ahh

here ya go, notice the tounge of the trailer, lmao: it was about 4-5 inches off the ground… stupid land yaght


what did you tow it with? the exploder?