Sully's 93' VR-4 Build

ok sweet, the spring compressor I just barrowed from Advanced auto doesnt work…wtf


That sucks dude!

which one did ya get? the one with the two jaws? cuz they have the good one then the shitty one. the good one is blacked out. the shitty one is silver/chrome

thats just your luck get the tool you need … and it doesnt evan work

yup, just my luck. O well, the ball is rolling, just gotta get this bs outta the way.
I want the motor back in the car in ~2 weeks

you better do it man

Fuck I will be away all next week but I can help out when I get back

Dropped my manifolds off at powdertech to get Jet-hot ceramic coated.
I’m going to be bringing all of my stuff down to Hunt’s machine shop hopefully tomorrow, so I can start to re-assemble this weekend. I really want to have the motor back in the cat in about 2 weeks.
oh, and my Southbend stage 6 clutch (1 of 2 made) will be here today.

YAY :slight_smile:

nicks clutch seems to be pretty sick, bet yours will be the same

wait powdertech does jet-hot coating? they did my whole bike i thought they only did powder coating. How much they charge? i got a quote of about $350 from another place

Nice progress bitch! Gotta get that thing out soon

They are a jet hot distributor. They send it to Jet-hot. Costing me about $450 for the manifolds, crosover piece, and the first part of the downpipe.
I’ll try to post up pics of the new parts soon


Get a new downpipe yet?

I’m debating on having it remade in the lower section to 3 or 3.5 inch just so it flows better and not all wierd lookin, lol

The DP is siiick, keep it! lol

you would like that. I dunno, I was adding up all the remaining costs for parts/labor/tune that I still have to do and it was crazy. I really only need a few items but it came to about ~$3500 or so more! I could have bought my dad’s car by now…

Yikes! Shit adds up quick for sure!

Tires and Tune alone were ~$1300
add in the new fuel pump, injectors, misc lines, new fan…etc…

I don’t even want to mention how much is into my jalopy now :facepalm

Just think, we’re putting all this money into '92 & '93 cars…I could’ve bought a fucking new car this winter(having sold the remainder of my parts + saving the $$ I made over the winter.):facepalm:facepalm:facepalm:facepalm