Sully's 93' VR-4 Build

hahaha, It’s a sickness. I’m might pick one up, swap the heads on it and sell it. Not keepin this one…

omg there something majorly wrong with you sully

DUH…hey, It’ll fund my other car. More $$ = FASTER, hahaha

yes maybe but get the good one done first

Gotto go to class and work later. Pz out bitches

fix that pile of junk

Lmao Sully wants the only vr4 in the world

When are you going to finish this paper weight?

^F’ you…

Just picked up the manifolds with Sean from powdertech and they came out awesome!! Should look real nice in the engine bay…

^ Sully mind PMing me what that cost? I’m thinking about getting mine done…

It looks fucking awesome. I do want

They really do look sick. The insides are all brand new looking also. I am extremely happy and will def be bringing more parts to them for powdercaoting/jethoting in the upcoming years.

Inside the Manifold:

looks like shit! sell that fucking thing and just get a poopra u fanboi.


fer realz, looks doper than ur sisters ass. and if u dont have a sister, then the cousin u see a few times a year that even u have thought about banging. we all got one dont deny it.

Definitely getting that done.

ur going to fuck ur cousin??? holy shit! go Ryan!

Get out of Dans thread you monger.

get out of my ass u rapist!

Holy shit, that came out amazing Sully! Im sure they look even better in person

i should have sent mine out over winter :frowning: