Well since it snowed here last week both of my cars got covered in salt so i figured id give them both a bath and apply a coat of Pinnacle Liquid Souveran to my GTP since it looks like its going to be sold either tuesday or Wednesday of this comeing week.i dont have any before pictures because i was in a hurry to finish before the Steelers Ravens Game.:steelers:
The WRX was polished about a month ago and has a coat of Collinte 845 and Pinnacle Signature Series 2 and the finish is still going strong.The subaru is on steelies with Mastercraft Glacier Grips for the winter so hopefully you like my winter set up.lol
a wrx w/ snow tires !! dam thatll go anywhere
ugh. i hate steelies.
i cant believe you live in monroeville and i dont recognize your rides… great looking cars.
Both look great. What year GTP is that? How much you selling it for…just curious b/c I am going to be selling mine soon
very clean
Lookin’ damn good
Nice lookin cars for sure. Love the white GTP.
wax my SRT plz
quit being cheap and have me detail it already!:stick: :boink
you want to much money. Im poor.
It’s black:stick: You get what you pay for
I really dont like them either but its tough 2 get a wheel that clears my calipers because there 4 piston and the cheapest way was to get tire rack steelies.
i listed it for 3950 and im selling it at 3500.
That wrx looks gross man. Clean steelies FTW
it was clean…look at my project thread.i got popped on the way into work yesterday morning…now it looks like ****
spinner hubcaps!
haha no i dont want 2 waste the money.the whole idea was to have a cheap winter set up.
how much for a detail? i need one badly…