Sunfire > Camaro hahah

So after a fun night of cruisen and such with dr dos, pat and a bunch of others. i am leaving and see a red camaro … so im like eehhh… i pull up to light he looks over and gives me the look i am waiting for : WTF are you gay?

I rev they laugh, i go is that fast? again they think im crazy i say, this is slow… so he said your momma something blah blah…

Light goes green. he goes bye bye real fast.

They pull up with the typical WTF? then passanger said he wasnt trying so i just said haha … sure…

so cruisen at like 40 he gets next to me and hammers it so i did to a sec later, again bye bye… they seriously didnt think it was funny. rest of the drive they stayed far far behind…

Disclaimer: This is funny, SUNFIRES are FUCKING GAY, plain and simple, but when it makes you wanna piss your self by the looks you get and how people react. its priceless… this is daily driver not the summer toy ’ Thank God :lol:"

lol :tup:

ne estimates on the 1/4 mile on taht thing, low 14’s? im glad somone is killin ppl with a sunfire

oh shit son the cobra has its work cut out for it :eek:

lower then that :lol:

mid 12’s or something, haha. It looks good for a sunfire and it RIPS hardcore. Fun cruise except for the Five Oh.

what r ur mods?

I know that look…

Priceless! :tup:

100 shot.

I <3 you.

tnite was baby shot… was trying to conserve nitrous… J&J Speed Shop is getting sick of me coming to his house everyday for n20 :lol:

“Dont do it,he’s got more than 100 grand under the hood of that sunfire”



picz of the devastator?

Choko, you gotta let me ride with you so I can piss myself

:lol: Stories like this make a good argument for :tspry:

Maybe I’ll make that my one and only mod to my next car…

Hey guys nice meeting you last night. I didn’t catch most of your names but it was a fun cruise.

yeah fun time… only person ive met that can do 500+ mph. hahah

Hahaha, great story.

haha thats awesome man :tup:

choko why no post on when u ran into F8L BITE.