Sup Fags??

Your opinion really doesn’t matter here bub.

Not because of any problem with you or anything, you just haven’t been around long enough to see what everyone else sees.

Its all a fucking conspiracy.

Vlad made a phone call at 2127 hours to President Barrack Obama requesting military action due to possible terrorist cell threats in the Automotive Related $hit section. Military action was granted approximately one hour later. The following morning at 0630 two F35 fighter jets dropped a highly classified mixture of chemtrail solution over every county in the 518 area code of New York State before returning to Groom Lake AFB. Thus proving that the hierarchy of Shift was comprised of those on a second life (Zombies) and were infact themselves, terrorist threats. The forum would have to be overtaken by US Navy Seals. Vlad is now in Syrian custody, being held in a 60-foot underground chamber with Osama BinLaden deep in the mountains.

Wow shit just got real

Thanks Obama

We need Abe.

[ame=“”]Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney. Epic Rap Battles Of History Season 2. - YouTube[/ame]

the only one better than this one is Mr T vs Mr Rogers.

It is sold ! All ill say is nyspeed is our new friends !

Is there really any reason anybody would buy this site?

I mean like what would they get out of it?

Truthfully it would be like flushing money down the toilet. Sure we all enjoy this site but theres no monetary value to it.

according to (idk 2 sec google) it’s worth $2,645.

edit: bordem.

url appraisal says 54 bucks if u use but 10k if you use

evaluateanywebsite says $1

gositevalue says $240

webuka says $2800

$54 :rofl :rofl :rofl


can I be a mod again

I think we can all agree this site was best when I had a hand in ruining it



All in favor?!




Stop suckin the taint you look like a bottom feeder

Seventh. Wut.

what the fuck is your problem?


Skidmark, Benny would ban you the first second he becomes a mod.