Sup Fags??

N ger

So why does everyone think this site got sold?

Hi Wyanee :gay

Because it did you goon

Prolly Overpaid

I dunno Trace told me it did. Did it not?

not sure

…frigs sack.

Go away Wayne no one likes you.


it deffinately got sold. but no ones talking

I heard it was PJB.

:ahh :rofl:rofl

Oh yea I’m fucking shocked it’s some huge dicked over fuckwad secret. Idiots.

Fuck this place I’m levering…

But I’ll be back later

its my goal to put a goat pic in every post.

See…told ya. PJB owns Shift now.

Thanks Paul for keeping this site going.

We needed a new owner, the last was a racist. N


Let me know when I need to update my bookmark to PJB5juan8.

I’m sure that could be arranged…

aaaaaand who cares? at least it didn’t just poof and disappear. ya sure I just joined but by the looks of this thread its users carry the momentum. ask the sponsors, who else would know? amiright?

They don’t know