Supercharged My SR20

I can make about 14 psi of boost @ 2000rpm. Can’t wait to dyno it.

"Ive never seen a supercharged sr20 what kind of supercharger did you use? " :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Mark, you are retarded.

I am not talking about your timing either.


Hey. Your sister treats me like an unreliable car. She always goes down on me.

Hey. Your sister treats me like an unreliable car. She always goes down on me.[/quote]


lol…nice one mark

Hahah yessss SR20DES

mine sounds like that too

yey club cool

is this for real or some joke that im not catching on to?

He taped his moms diaphragm to his tail pipe and it makes a flappy noise like that. It sounds extra deep, like I was her last one before Mark stole it.