supercharger is done!

it actually is Benny. Its the “flat” part of the combustion chamber (on an LSX head) that almost makes contact with the top of the piston when that piston is at TDC. It basically squeezes or SQUISHES the combusting gases towards the valves on the other side of the combustion chamber (again, on an LSX cylinder head).

Jon, I was gonna introduce myself at the Curtis show when I was talking with Howard, but you looked busy lol.

You still wanna do a run for the hell of it? Im itchin to run someone!!

Ok so what’s wrong with opening up the space between the piston and the ‘squish area’ to lower compression?

I could probably search and find this out on my own, but hey, you’re here. :rofl

less than ideal yes but an easy cost effective fix none the less. we all dont wipe our asses with benjamins like tony. :thumbup

A squish area is a part of the combustion chamber that is made to very nearly come into contact with the piston when the piston is at top dead centre. There’s usually less than .030" clearance in these areas in such cases. What they do is cause the combusting gasses to rapidly travel towards the center of the combustion chamber and increase turbulence, thus increasing the combustion rate. By dropping the C/R with a thicker gasket, the squish area becomes not as effective, and you will lose some power, among other things.

your virginity?

That will never happen



Benny, ask deadbeatrec to explain. He’s obviously much more knowledge than i am about engine building.

His mechanical engineering degree is probably from MIT or something - mines only from Syracuse University.

No he didnt go to MIT. Hence why he can buy cool shit since he doesnt have student loans that son of a bitch

first off

second off

Thick gaskets will increase the combustion chamber therefore decreasing the compression ratio. Increasing the piston-to-head (quench) clearance is a simple way to reduce the CR and is a lot cheaper than doing a dish piston or machining your head.

i personally would not just gamble with a random thicker head gasket though because u can effecivly ruin your “squish” area altogether. so…like i said before, cost effect but not ideal. i have seen many many engine builders do this to NA cars when built for boost and have them work just fine.

so Jon, your right about me not knowing a ton about engine building, but thats like me saying u dont know shit about designing a large caliper weapon.

you design weapons?? lol

speaking of “squish”…Boobs are squishy. I wounder what the squish area would be on a nice set of double D’s.

i do R&D for the government designing large cal guns. howitzers, tank cannons, mortars, ect ect.

Flex our E-peens. Cmon’ everybody!


thats sick.

deff. blows away my landscaping carrier…

I want to make things that can potentially kill people :frowning:

no flexing here. just think its funny how the whole RLMS crew lothes me.

Well that thread you started probably didn’t help your situation.

from what i have seen, they build quailty shit. we just dont see eye to eye on some subjects is all.