Supercharging my Si

Im gonna be installing the s/c myself, so itll prolly take a lil while, it looks fairly easy and comes with really easy to read instructions, plus Ill have ppl there watching and making sure I do it right :smiley: I wanna be able to say I did it myself :nod

stock evo/sti are slow ;D

i want to race you…:banana

damn tricia sounds sick. im thinking going all n/a brian crower cams n all the goodies on the fa5. i just gotta get the wifes ok lol. or maybe i will turbo the ep3!!! hope the build goes good for ya!

what u got ? :cool

What is the word on k-pro for the dbw cars? may be worth wating for like joey said.

repost i know, but still

so clean but so dirty…

that thing looks showroom quality lol , wow I want mine to look like that :smiley:

oh man you’re installing it yourself?

Never mind my previous comment then, stock STi’s and Evos actually move under their own power.


yeaman deff worth the money/piece of mind to have Morgan and peeps do it, things will always break/go wrong and you need some reliability i’m assuming with the child.

The car is new… none of that rusty bolts breaking or nuts stripping. It should be fairly simple. The blower replaces the factory intake manifold. Its not difficult to install as far as knowledge is concerned. You might get some bloody knuckles working in that tight place tho. You should have no problem doing this in a weekend and it should be nothing less than dead stock reliable. A solid tune would definitely help. Good luck with the install. I hope you like that high pitch whine. :giggedy

it’s just a saturn :bore

I was just kidding dude, don’t be a dick to her, god, I’m sure she can handle it.

Why you always gotta be so damn critical?

Probably some sort of height complex…:ssh

Ya its extremely easy to install, takes about 8 hours, and there is no tuning for it unless I upgraded the pully size, which I think I will do to get more horsepower :slight_smile: but in conversation, I think I will pay Morgan to install just so I know its perfect, but I do wanna be there to somewhat help out, so I can at least say I had a part in it ;D

Yeah he probably wouldn’t let you do that, what with having a vagina and all :ssh


no worries lol Ive never installed one before, so who knows lol, but I do wanna get experience in that shit seeing as how me and my best friend wanna take tuning classes and maybe in a few years open up a chic ran tuning shop :wink:

haha Morgans pretty cool, Im sure maybe I can at least unwrap it hahaha


Ironically my garage has been having this “fitment complex” as of… well, five minutes ago.

I can however recommend you a nice snow bank and maybe a tarp or fine tapestry to cover your collection of re-occuring rotting bushings and fittings and other euro “assorted innards”

document that, sloot.

omg LOL

damn dude that was pretty good for a noob

All sorts of fizzle ownage taking place