Supercharging my Si

that is all

i have beaver teeth remember brah. id chew through that shit like a granola bar.

I would boot your car every day at work Benny

It will also be covered in the urine of seven korean war veterans.

I can defeat das boot.


anyways if I have Morgan do it will it take less time ? and does anyone know how the relash thing works, do i have to still send out my ecu , or do they send me one already reflashed and I send them my stock one back ?

Normally you send yours out and they send it back within a day or two

You’re better off installing yourself from an economical/promptness standpoint, but that’s not what this thread is about, this is now a battle thread.

Lmao who is battling?

What you think i aint peed in my own garage before?

You think your soo much better than everyone. If this is true, whats wrong with your own piss???

Too bloody? Too blande? Not enough texture or sweat?

Someday, when you walk through the threshold of manhood you too will discover, you DO NOT need the piss of seven men you don’t know, when what your really looking for is inside.

Introspection… take a look.

You’re a bit off base there, george.

You see, from previous chats we’ve had I am in tune with your specific loathing of the US Government, as well as it’s armed forces, and know for a fact you’d rather walk to work than lower yourself to gnawing through the crusted, chlamydia-fied urine of the aforementioned Korean War Veterans.

If it were my own urine, it would only lubricate your vicious blades to an even quicker victory over the miti-rhino, I’m not as dumb as Shawn would have you believe good sir.

Benny are you high?


Wanna go get a beer? Its after 12 so it is socially acceptable

Working til 3, then chauffeuring my roommate around, and finally going home to get the sentra started, play halo, get high, and finally…drink beer.

So not today, no.

You broke my little heart

so is that a yes on the race?

Beanie beanie,

What you dont see and fail to understand, Is that I am the product of a U.S. veteran. I am affiliated with my local VFW post as well. So for you to sit there and make the assumptions of my “specific” degree of ignorance, be it urine, boots, teeth, government tactics, toast, what have you, is merely a reflection of your own self doubt.

The urine of veterans is also my urine. I’d think I’d know my own urine enough to defeat a saturated piece of metal, no?

Set me up, make me a believer, my teeth are eager.

Again, what you are searching for resides inside, prick. No ones urine is going to be your savior. You’ve got to pee for yourself homie.

But what you fail to realize is that what is inside of me, is the same that is inside of you, only more buoyant.

Therefore if we were both to be thrown into equal bodies of water, I would float longer, you, however would sink, much like the miti-rhino, which is also more dense than water. However, much unlike the miti-rhino, you need oxygen to survive, and would therefore perish, again unlike the miti-rhino which is inanimate and would stay on whatever car i decide to put it on, at the bottom of saratoga lake.

Case in point, pwn.

can you 2 stop talking about urine in public and just go pee in each others mouths…

i want to race this thing!