Supreme Court rules in favor of Philip Morris


how do you know that is a real pack from the 70’s though?






:rofl: :smash2: :oops:

:shrug: Time for people to start taking responsibility for their own actions. You smoke you die, and you don’t get to sue.

Besides, you know how much politcal campaign contributions come in from Phillip Morris and companies like that? You knew that outcome was going to happen.


:shrug: Time for people to start taking responsibility for their own actions. You smoke you die, and you don’t get to sue.


That’s un-American. You communist bastard.

Sharing only rewards the weak!


:shrug: Time for people to start taking responsibility for their own actions. You smoke you die, and you don’t get to sue.


Truth x 1000

I smoked. I now have a nasty sinus infection due to it. Ive smoked for the better part of a year. I totally understand the damages that its doing to my body. Thats why I quit
. Cuz sore throats and cancer suck.


i dont think so. i think it really wasnt generall knowledge until sometime in the late 70’s early 80’s. someone correct me if im wrong please.



The national president of the American Cancer Society, Dr. Edward F. Scanlon, agreed with the staff report. In 1965, a year after the commission determined that cigarette advertising that failed to disclose the health risks of smoking constituted ‘‘an unfair or deceptive act or practice’’ within the meaning of the Federal Trade Commission Act, Congress passed a law requiring a health warning on all cigarette packages.

So since 1965 this asshole has know he was killing himself smoking 3 packs a day. Since he died of lung cancer in 1997, I’m guessing he probably didn’t get cancer until 1995 or so. That’s 30 YEARS!

So as I said before, fuck him, he shouldn’t get a cent. Nor should anyone else who has/had cancer and hasn’t been smoke free since 1965.

If you were smoker prior to 1965, when it was marketed as a healthy recreation, and quit the day your first pack came with a warning label but somehow still got cancer then you should sue. Otherwise sucks to be you, it was your choice.


Thank god! Another win against the INCREDABLY stupid.

Hey lets run into a burning building and breathe the smoke… :frowning: hey I got smoke inhalation damage and Im in the hospital for 5 days! wtf? There was no label on the newspapers, drapes, and gasoline I burned! I think I will sue everyone because Im too fucking stupid to have any sense or just a greedy, lowlife, piece of American shit.

The reason the lawsuit was turned down was because the sum was intended to punish the cigarette companies for hurting other unspecified people. It was decided that punitive damages couldnt be awarded ‘for’ those who had not sued the company.