Wegmans to stop selling cigarettes...


“health concerns outweigh any profits the company gets from tobacco products.”

I like it.


very respectable.

yeah i heard about this. I think that its a great move. Finally theres a business out there that wants to do the morally “right” thing instead of just make money off of people’s addictions. :tup: for strong business ethics.



yeah. fail.

awesome :tup:


haha +honor for posting the post yourself!

Old news.

sounds good to me :tup:

Sounds like a good idea and hopefully a trend setter.

boohoo…i cant buy smokes at wegmans anymore.

the indians sell me 10 packs for the price of 2 packs at wegmans. :2fingers:

good so you can die from smoking 5 times as fast


smoking is for fags.

:lolsign: Now that’s funny!

im touched that what i do with my life matters to you so much <3

I just hope you make enough money to have health insurance, because I sure as hell don’t want to pay for your chemo.

Thats why our health insurance is so much and benefits are so sucky.

Yeah, well there is that…

you honestly think smokers are the reason health insurance costs so much? people have been smoking longer than there has been health insurance…why wasnt it as expensive for your parents? perscriptions are the reason health care is sky rocketing. viagara anyone?