Supreme Court rules police need warrants to search cellphones

Good to hear. I’ve been hiding my weed in my cell phone and now I don’t have to worry anymore.


I will agree that inspections tickets are kind of frugal for cops to enforce, but when someones exhaust flies off and blasts through your windshield, you may appreciate that an inspection is due every year. It’s no secret that Buffalo’s winter literally eats cars. Inspections here are valuable to others on the road

^^^did this actually happen to you or is it the insurance agent coming out?

So does this go for the cbp guys and “zones” with in x distance of the boarder?

^So inspections ensure that this doesn’t happen? Inspections are shit, go to any state that doesn’t have inspections and tell me they are worse off? Its another money maker.

I’m glad that cell phone require sw they are private devices.

While I don’t agree with plate readers its easy enough to find a car similar to yours and make a fake plate, registration and inspection sticker for a fraction of the actual cost to register your car.

I’ve never seen as many broken down cars on the side of the road causing traffic jams as I did when I went to MI and FL often. A good friend of mine moved to MI and would complain all the time about being late for work because “another piece of shit was on fire or stuck on the side of the road with some suspension failure”.

The flip side is knowing a couple people who own shops that do inspections here in NY and hearing the horror stories of vehicles they’ve failed with basically no brakes, suspension about to fall out, frames rotted completely away etc. I don;t enjoy making sure stupid shit like my parking brake is 100% functional every year but I’d rather deal with that than wonder if the asshole going 80mph in his F150 behind my family even has brake pads.

Inspections isn’t even the issue.

Cops operated fine in the past without sitting in the middle of transit road with all their lights off gathering plate info on every car that drives by.

NYS has pretty solid inspection laws about not being able to re-register and everything else.

I’m not some huge tinfoil hat person but seeing there are only a few companies that manufacture those plate reading systems they could probably put together a pretty solid database of where/when people travel.

While the theory of an inspection is a phenominal idea. Many things you think should be checked…aren’t. Many items that are checked have been watered down too. Ball joints for example are only a visual inspection. I don’t know about you but we all should know that looking at a suspension doesn’t tell you much. I can see however that a P0442 small EVAP leak could be fatal.

Right, plate readers aren’t really about inspections. It’s about finding people with warrants, or driving on suspended licenses or with insurance lapses… something a cop just sitting on a busy road watching the cars go by is incapable of doing. If you just blend in with traffic and don’t give a cop a reason to run your plate chances are you’ll slide happily along under the radar. You can drive to the bar after your 10th DWI suspension and as long as you don’t draw attention to yourself you can slam 20 beers then try and drive home.

With plate readers blending in doesn’t work. The plate reader runs every single plate it sees, without regard for gender, race or how you’re driving. Assuming your plate doesn’t hit against the hot list the cop never even knows your plate was run.

I agree though that the idea of one or two companies compiling the data of every single plate read and making that data available is scary. Almost as scary as every single healthcare provider adding every spec of your health history to a database and making all your medical records available electronically. Oh wait, they already do. The possible misuse of data isn’t grounds to make something illegal. It is grounds to make sure there are protections, and more importantly punishments, in place to protect the privacy of that data.

Our society doesn’t punish, it rehabilitates. Punishment would be cruel. Oh wait!

Funny how many news stories you hear of some wanted criminal getting caught in a routine traffic stop because of something like a burned out tail light.

As for invasion of privacy and data collection, just look at what Common Core is all about.

I personally have been trying to get my hands on one of these

I love the idea of that black phone

“The most valuable commodity I know of…is information.”- Michael Douglass.

it means no corporations had anything to lose :frowning:

The Supreme Court isn’t congress… they’re lifetime appointments who never have to campaign or look for lobby group funding so I don’t really buy the whole “corporate influence” thing. Mostly they’re ideologues and rarely do their ideals line up for unanimous verdicts. People throw out lines like “oh, this decision was paid for by big business” when their are rulings they don’t like. It’s a way to easily build support for your dislike of a ruling with an ignorant general public.

I really wish more people would read the actual decisions instead of the biased media synopsis of them. The problem is the decisions use big words people don’t learn watching the Kardashians so they struggle to even comprehend them.

:clap: Amen.

You must not watch House of Cards

I do actually, but TV drama isn’t real life.

My point was that everyone has a price and something to gain.