Well I had surgery monday. I had a skin graft done on my right calf after setting my leg on fire by accident. This sucks, so much I am so bored. I’ver got to stay off teh leg for atleast a week. I woudl walk on it but don’t want it to heal up the wrogn way. The pain is not bad at all. But the boredom is horrible. I can’t stand it anymore. Just sitting around from day to day, bandaged up. I don’t see how people can enjoy to lay around for more then a day. Because this is hell to me.


how did u set fire to your leg, accidentally?

I went camping over easter weekend. We had just lit a fire to start cooking dinner on. I was literally atleast 10 feet away from teh fire. A spark flew out hit my jeans and 2 seconds later my rntire right pant leg was up in flames. It was a fluke accident.

How much alcohol was involved?

stop drop and roll ftw


Your close to the 20th person to ask that. I was stone sober, wish I was drunk tho. It actually was pretty painfull. Haha

do you have a lot of bad luck? because i’ve been camping for over 15 years now and i’ve never seen something like that happen, i’ve seen sparks fly out when the fire popped but never set someones leg on fire. most that would happen is a little ash would melt a hole in someones wind pants

pics 4ZWEEN

This will keep you entertained for a couple of hours.

Haha no not at all. I’ve been camping since I was little kid, it was a fluke accident. I generally have good luck. But I do manage to get hurt bad once a year, so this was my injury for the summer. But it’s mostly out of my own stupidity. I’ll get some pics soon

man that sux. do some research on a motor setup for yourself while your bored

Well dude, you gotta assume, judging by how the story was told and what most people on this site do. :wink:

yea sitting around the house blows. i get to have my 4th knee re build and this time its a bone graft. then 6 months from now i get to have another knee surgery and get to have my 3 acl graft. so i know what its like. invest in digital cable and alot of internet car research.

phone book…yellow pages…escort services…FTW