Surging RPMs? Any insight please.

he really does not lol. i thought he was going to burn my garage down when i was doing his girlfriends brakes.

The reason I brought it here was hoping that maybe it was just something simple. I am supposed to drive to rochester monday morning for work, and it’d be nice to have my car.

I had to call my boss to tell him i would be late. He wasnt pleased.

Sucks, but I guess I’ll just have to get the rental car and drive in the geo metro or whatever they give me…

You could continue to dick around with it in the cold, without the right equipment or knowledge… and then hope you make it to Rochester monday morning.

Or, you could spend some QT w/your SO this weekend, then drop the car at the dealer, get a Mazda 3, and be 30 minutes late on Monday morning.


