suspension help

I wasn’t suggesting a new M3… I was thinking more along the lines of an E36 (1995-1999) model.

As I recall, Chevy actually did a good job with making the SS version of the Cobalt handle. The Turbo version was probably a very under rated little screamer. That being said, as mentioned, the Cobalt still has it’s limitations. As long as everyone is aware of that, you can pretty easily at least make it handle “better”.

exactly, and even on a good auto X or road course… I would be hard pressed to see half the people on Shift (including myself) be able to out drive the car with springs, sways, links and a good alighnment and setup.

Is his car definitely an SS?

Also, any car can be good in it’s respective class, but not overall.

I dont know if its an SS, I asked a few times and haven’t gotten an answer as to that.

It just frustrates me when people are so quick to jump on the “that cars a crappy platform, don’t waste the money” bandwagon. Last I checked we have like 2-4 members on shift here that make ANY money driving their cars on a track. Most 99% of us here are all hobby car enthusiasts. So we buy what car we like and can afford, then mess with it to have fun with it. Somehow we enjoy the cat and mouse game of dumping money into a car, driving them as we see fit and repeating the process. Most of us, especially myself, love to be underdogs. Start with something people say will suck, and by the time it’s done it kicks ass. For me its much more fun that way than starting with a M3 that I know for a fact I cant outdrive dead ass stock.

Most FWD cars are a less-than-desirable platform and are usually only competitive in racing when they’re against similar cars in the class. That’s the reason there is classing. It’s just physics. RWD cars are much easier to rotate as needed. It’s not a bandwagon, and it also came from someone who tried to do this previously with his Saturn ION Redline (Cobalt SS) and he cherished that car like it was touched by God himself. I wouldn’t say most of us are underdogs, as most of us don’t enjoy wasting money to be “the first guy doing it” or because it may work on paper, but not on pavement.

I’ve been in the same situation before… I was trying to turn it into something it’s not, and between the lack of aftermarket support and a not-so-great platform for tracking, I gave up on it and went with what works well. Ideally, a person wouldn’t drop a cent into their cars until they learn how to drive it (myself included), but we can’t usually fight that urge. My LGT had more money into it than my M3, and I can promise I’m at least 6 seconds faster at just LRP on the same exact tires (although different widths). There comes a point of diminishing returns in modifying cars, meaning when you go so far, that you need a lot more money, power, etc… to do the same thing you did when the car was stock. To me, a person who has been tracking for several years and have progressed very quickly among the classes of driving, I’d recommend a different platform for this guy if he wants to do anything more than maybe sway bars and lowering springs, because unless the guy is investing money into his driving skills, the Cobalt will definitely be slower and worse “handling” than any stock M3 with the same driver.

The OP said himself that he wants a “racing suspension” and that “money is no object”, so I am giving my best educated opinion on the subject matter.

While the owners comment of “tear anything up” is most likely a poor choice of words. And, he doesn’t mention anything about competition, track days or Auto X, I certainly hope that is where he would be heading, should he have the suspension modified.
I’m with KK on this one. There is a great deal of satisfaction in taking what many would consider a “lesser” car, and beating some of the well known “better” cars.

Cossey, he hasn’t confirmed what track type, track location, racing class, sanction body, or ANYTHING legitimately racing orientated, IF ANY. You are acting like he’s going to be running alongside you at WG or Limerock every weekend based on his poor choice of words when reading the OP’s thread. We all like to shoot for the moon I guess when we type out a reply. But taking it word for word like you did you are completely right. Just as a salesman, I like to understand the customer a bit better before sending them to the used car lot to get another platform. It’s generally a bit better for my business that way. :slight_smile: