
What determines the length of suspension when going over 11 points(1st time)?

7 days

:fail: :picard: :fail: :picard: :fail: :picard: :fail: :picard: :fail: :picard: :fail: :picard:

I could be more specific to it being Drivers license but thats what the pics above are for I’ geussing?

lol yeah

Good luck dude.

6 months. apply for a restricted licsense to go to work and school.

I though you were talking about shocks and springs and shit. Took me a good minute for the “ah hah” moment…

Ouch. Well that will work since I’m only worried about it for work. Luckily the 14 goes right to ECC so I can take that to school.

sure nysdmv

FYI it costs like 75 ish bucks to get a restricted.

if they even give it to you. i had a couple friend that were in the same situation, and they would NOT give them a restricted license.